so here is a story I heard on the radio this morning, yes when I don't have a CD player or tape deck player in the car I do listen to the radio, but anyway there is a section on a morning show that I like to listen to called the "what are you kidding me" story they are story's around the and country. Now this one is from here in the U.S. in New Jersey A 4year old child was expelled from his pre-K class at St. Dominic A private Catholic elementary school of Brick N.J. for have long hair. Sence he was born young Jack has never had a hair cut. He was growing his Hair long so he could donate it to Cancer organation that made wigs for people who had lost there hair during kemo. He was doing this in memory of his Granddad who died of Cancer. His hair need to be more then 12inches long before he could donate. When young Jack did not get his hair Cut by Oct. 1, 2010 he was not allowed to attened school anymore because the school dress code (which no matter where you go I find bullshit) said that no male personal can have hair that goes below the coller of there shirt. (IT A 4YEAR OLD) The family has paid 2,500 tuition 75registration fee 10 student activation fee and gave 520 in donation to the school and because he had long hair that he was growning for a charity he was expelled from a private school they where given back 1,000 bucks of there tuition fee which was not used. Before school started young Jack (how again is 4years old) sold 1,711 in candy for St. Dominic Church Fund raiser..
Now the sad thing is that it is in the schools right to expelle the student, because there dress code is just that there dress code and they have the right to inforce it at there will and it explained in there student hand book in which every child is given at the beginning of the year with all and any changes in it so the family can not say they where informed, but from understanding the family did apply and get an extetion on the dress code which they did make changes to after the family paid all of ther fees and help with the church fund raiser. so in the end the school/church made 3,731 bucks off the family after returning 1,000 of the tuition that was not used. Now in a second acrtical I read the boy was only in school for less then two weeks before being expelled. Now how in the hell do you spend 1,500bucks in less to two weeks on one student. Shit man I hate to see what the total cost of a single student for the complete year is.
The Devil part..
Ok enough of that crap the kid is 4years old and in pre-K how is trying to do something to help out people who are suffering from cancer what the hell are they thinking it's a 4year old kid who just wants to go to school. He has no idea about dress codes and he wants nothing more then to help people who are losing there hair from a decease that his grandfather died from and many are going to from in the future. You know I really don't have really much to gone about. I have one simple thing to go on and on about HE'S 4YEARS OLD and trying to do some good so take your dress code and throw it out the window and let him help people how are losing there hair feel better about themself in public, because not everyone likes to run around with either a bold head or the scarfe on there head a good wig makes people feel good and remember the kid is 4years old and the family paid you a shit load of money and help rasie a butt load more so give them a break they are all trying to do something good in the name of there grandfater who died of cancer which a 4year old boy is trying to help out. As much as the school is in it's right to expelle the kid. HE'S 4YEARS OLD and trying to help people you heartless bunch of asses, you got the families money and then some let him finish his thing and get the hair cut tell then let him go to school I mean the kid is 4YEARS OLD what the hell does he know and what kind of charity are you showing by not supporting him in his project to help people who are suffring from canacer you heartless bunch of peopel I thought you where a church and don't churchs have program out there that are to help the sick and those in trouble and in pain. I think this more then fit's that bill so let the 4YEAR OLD go to school and learn that he is going something good in the name of his grandfather and that that church more then supports his efforts insetted of being a bunch of heartless people that don't care about what you are trying to do for others you just need to follow the orders that you are given. that they don't care for the sick or dieing. I mean it s church for crying out load they should be helping the kid in everything given helping to pay for the hair cut in the end. he is doing a great thing here and in the end it is just showing that the church doesn't care about the human race anymore they just want your money and for you to do what your are told to do, follow them blindly in to the abyss that is this world but pray for those who don't have anything, because we as a church are not going to help him. It's a 4year old kid that is trying to do something beyond nobble and here is the church smaking this 4YEAR OLD BOY in the face and more or less stealing more then 3,000bucks from the family because they have a dress code that say's they can. what is this world coming to when the one group of people that are here to help people turn there back on a 4year old boy
let's get drunk
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