Engagement For the Prince...
Ok so it would appear that Prince William got engaged to some body you know I have not been following this by any means and once again I don't really care but in some sences it is a big deal because we are dealing with the royal family or the most famious one know in the world today and so I guess we need to know about it because that is the way of the world, I mean what are we looking at here the next in line to run the English church, the Royal family dosen't really even run the country any more. There prime minster and house of lords and the other side which I don't remember at this time really run the country, The Royal house any more these days are just the face of the country and have gone through many changes over the year and more so just in the life time of this regaining Queen, which most say is one of the greatest they have had sence that of the Great Queen Victora unfortunitly I know every little to nothing about the Royal family other then that they have the things they need to do and that Prince William for the most part is the next in line for the thrown, Queen elziabith has said that she would not give the thrown to Charles but how that is going to work I have no idea and now that Prince William is Engagaded it would appear that is he being set up to take over the thrown from his Grandmother. It's funny we have seen these kids grow up, in and out of the spot light if we where living in Great Britian I be we would hear more about them because that is the focuse of the country and much like The President and his family here in the U.S. but kids are way way of limits to me, until they come into the lime light or do something stupied in which it is not really ok to jump on them, but it's ok to do a story on them, but there is a fine line at the age point, no story should be done on a child untill they are at the age of 16 at the eariliest and that is only when they do something stupied like get drunk and run into a light poll with a 2million dollor car they it should be in the news, but then again anyone who destories a 2million dollor car should be in the news and everyone should hear about it weither they are famous or not. So it is intrseting to see what is happening here, but then again we are talking about kids that might be help running the world one day. Hey let's judst see what happens when the kid get married if he get's married if I remember right he has been here before or was the the other one. Like I said what to I know about the Royal family in England, other then they are the most public Royal family that I know of so the next question is are we going to be able to see the wedding live on T.V. at 4:30 in the morning like we did with Diana or are we going to have to wait for you-tube and bad quelity stuff? Now all we have to do is wait and see what the hell happens here with this news showing up on the world stage.
Let's get Drunk
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