Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday's Story..

Book 2; Questions..
As the man aproched the center chair Franky pushed over the wooden sign infront. Bear it read. The man turned to face me and spook in a deep booming Voice "Good eve all please present your Clain." and from left to right of the table each person pushed over their sign.

"Beaver" a male voice said "porkeypine" a womans voice said "Hawk' "Ape" "Tiger" Deer" "Wolf" were all male voices "Panther" was a woman "Chimp" was a male, but both "Eagle" and Rabbit" were women and the "Raccon" was a man

"very well please be seated" the bear said looking up and down the table, then out at me "start your name for the record please?"

I stepped forward leaning on my cane much heavier then was needed "Sir S.L. McK."

""Very good Mr McK . Do you know why you have been called here today?" He said looking down at the paper work infront of him. He Raised an eyebrown and then looked back up at me.

"No" I said plainly

"Very well. Have you come alone?"

"I have traviled alone to this location." I looked over to the left wall "But I make no asurances that I was not followed."

""Very well. You are here to answer questions that have araised over the past year. Are you ready for this?" the Bear was still standing flipping through papers before him.

"I will do my best that I can, but with out any idead of what this is about it might take me a few mintues to answer your question" I looked around "My I please get a seat of somekind?"

"Yes you may." and with out looking up from the papers he waved his hand and a hard wooden stool came up put of the ground behind me "Now let us begun." He said as he sat down. Franky moved from the table for the first time sence the bear lord arrived at the table.

"First and easiest question Mr McK." said the sweet female voice of the Rabbit lord as she stood up "Why have you returned?"

"I bounced my cane a few times "I have come to retrive a friend."

"and this friend is here of there own will?"

"No they are not." I was tring to see if they knew who I was after.

The Rabbit Lord sat down "This person How did they get here?" said the Deer lord as he Stood up

"I don't have the excat information, but they where taken agaist there own will. Kiddnapped if you would."

"And you learned of the persons abduction How?"

"I was sent a letter. I pulled out a peice of paper.

"Franky jumped off the table and scampered over to me. I titled my cane so he could run up and retieve that note from my hand. He ran back down and over to the table where he jumped up and handed the note to the Bear Lord. He took it from Franky and simply set it aside.

"So you have come here just to retreieve this person." The Beaver Lord said as he started to stand up.

"No I am Not." I left it at that knowing he would what the other reason was.

"And does this other reason have anything to do with that castle that has returned in the northen area?"

"Yes it does." I was giving out excat answers right now because I didn't want to give up ant information then I need to.

"Do you know why this castle of yours has returned here?" the Racoon Lord said standing as the beaver Lord sat down.

"No I do not."

"And do you know who is in the castle?"

"Besides the missing person that I have come to get. No."

"Mr McK?" the Bear Lord broke in as the racoon Lord sat down and the Hawk Lord started to stand "Please no lies this evening." He tapped the paper beside him.

'Yes Sir." I replided

"Very good." He turned to the Hawk Lord "Please contuie." he nodded his head.

"Have you been awaare of any new creatures in this land that do not have counter parts?" the Hawk Lord said.

"No I have not."

"Do you plain on having any of your other children coming into this land?"

"No None of the should ever return to this land." I shifted on the stool.

"Mr Mck you have brought your son with you correct?" The Eagle Lord said from a seated postion as the Hawk Lord sat down.

"Yes I have." and I stood up. I was intrested in why she had not stood up as the did when asking their questions. Then she slowly started to rise up out of his chair.

"The person that has been kiddnapped and is now in the castle of yours is a friend of your son?' he said looking down at a few papers in front of her.

"Yes they are friends"

She stayed standing as the pockeypine Lord stood "Does the person trapped in the castle have anything to do with the ledgons of the lands?"

"They are mot menched in the ledgons, but thety could be part of the,." I bounced my can knowing that was not the answer the councel want to hear, but it was the only answer I could give at this time.

"Does that queen know of this persons meaning to your son?"

"No she does not."

"The porkeypine Lord sat down as the wolf Lord stood. The Eagle Lord stayed standing as the Wolf Lord started to speek "Are the ledgons of the land writen in your hand?"

"The first versoin are yes."

"how many are about you?"

"Hard to say. The Ledgons of the lands have grown with each passing year, but I would have to say at least tweleve."

'The Wolf lord wrote down the number and hand it over to the Tiger Lord and then sat down as the Ape Lord stood.

The Ape lord looked down the table at the Eagle Lord who was still standing looking staright at me "What happened to the person know as Flyod?"

"I can not answer that question beyond he disappeared durninf a fight."

"And it was Anikin that wounded you in the leg?" as this the Eagle lord sat down.

"Yes I said subconcuusly rubbing my thigh and feeling a phantom pain.

"The Chimp Lord stood as the Ape Lord stayed standing "Is it possable that Flyod came into contact with his other half?"

I seated myself back on the hard wooden stool 'Yes it is possable that had happen."

"Are you aware of what would happen if someone came in contact with there other half?"

"There are two theroy's on this. 1 both being destroyed and 2 is you would be returned home." as this both the Ape and Chimp Lords sat down.

"The Tiger Lord Stood "By last count the Ledgons of the land have you listed ar fifty one. Do you know in how many hands these Ledgons are in now?"

"I have non clue. Thousands?"

"How old is this world?" The Tiger Lord asked not even giving my question a thought.

"Just a little over two thousand years."

'The Tiger Lord wrote the number down and passed it over to the Wolf Lord whi turned so the Panther Lord could see it. She notted her head and stood up as the tiger Lord sat down.

"How many female companions have you had over the years?"


"And did your create the thing known as Libidous?"

'NO! I would never create such a creator."

"Very good.' The Bear Lord said as he stood and the Panther Lord sat down.

Ok Now that is what you call a short question servey wih yet more to come. I hope I was able to keep all the genders right when I wrote it out and you could keep track of who was talking when. I'm working on the next part of this one one so you might see it some time in the future, but as you can see I'm not running around with a lot of details right now it's just straight forward talking and trying to let you know who is asking the question on this peice. I think this part is going to be intresting once it's all done and I know where it's going, but it would still be nice to hear what you think and if you even like this formate that I am writing in here. at time I think it could be a script of some kind with a few changes as to how it is layed out, but for now it's just in the works.

hope you enjoy and remember for this month..

Thanks for all the Fish

Friday, July 30, 2010

More then Nothing

Nothing in the end..
Ok so you it's been one of those day's which I have way to many of to say that I have seen nothing and know nothing. i should quickly change the internet broswer to find something really fast, but you know I started this as nothing because I was going to use this day in history from the newspaper to give myself something to talk about, the problem with that is that nothing of great intrested happened in this day even three hundered years ago so I got nothing out of that and then I spent the rest of the day looking and I do say looking at my gardge going I need to have a yard sale, but my back is still killing me so moving heavy crap is just not something I want to do right now. I hoping to be back to close to normal by the end of the weekend but with a promise of doing almost nothing all weekend long I don't think that is going to happen because sitting in one place for two long is not good for me. I need to be moving around as much as possable and with the Idea that I have two stories to write for the weekend which should be of small intrest even for me I was thinking I would go with a couple of parts from book 2, but we shall see what happens there. i have been write a little more on book 2 these last couple of days and been thinking I need to jump ahead in book 3 to get a few things out of my head before I forget what it is I want to write down the problem is I need to get all the peices to conect together regardless of what book I'm writing.
Ok jumping over
Ok so I tried that jumping over thing and guess what still nothing so we are out of luck there. You know I think we don't have anything to really go on right now, but I think I did just came up with a Idea something I remember from eariler today..
Diffrent Times..
Ok so first the third and last hollywood video is closing in my town sad to see it go I think of all the people that are going to lose there job, but the funny thing is I women that is closing the store as manager I think is the same woman who closed the last one up the street from here, so she is the manager of doom.. Ok now this past week the remake of Clash of the Titins came out to buy, buy you can't rent it from netflix for at least a few more weeks. the release dates for renting and buying have changed again which I think is ok but at the sametime sucks, because I would like to see it before I buy it to know if it's any good, of cousre they should have never remade the film in the first place, but once you have made some of the greats why not try and remake some of the ones that didn't make a big mark the first time. the problem is that remakes screw up the orginal, because a few and I do mean a few times they are better then the first, but to have two diffrent release dates I don't know I do understand it because they want you to buy the movie instead of renting it for 5.50 or more. yes the price has gotten way way out of hand I remember when the most expencive movie to rent was an adult film at 4.99 which I thought was pretty bad because the acting was really bad and there wasn't much of a story line, well you can say that about of of todays films to, but we still watch them for what they are so to have two diffrent release date does make sence might cut down on coping for personal use for a little while, but they again you find a friend that bought it and make a copy from them so it just might incress that coping of DVD's you never know what is going to happen with that so I guess it comes down to money and they don't make any money off of renting the movies out now do they
In the end..
It's hot and nothing really happened to date in history so I don't really have anything foryou so go about you life and leave this behind you because you didn't get any smarter from it tonight, like you ever get any smarteer from it on any given night
Thanks for all the Fish

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Pres..

He was on...
Was it right for the pres to go on the View yeasterday/today. I say yeah it was ok for him to do. I mean come on he is the Pres he can do what he want and for the most part it is a free form where he doesn't know what the questions are, he was just a little long winded some times, and I must say he never did answer a few question instead he turned it into a much bigger issuse on the nation and things that we had been going through. You know for the first part it was nice to see him joke around and be a normal person because that is what he is. He may be the Pres of the U.S. but he is still a person with a family and friends. Then they started to ask hiim questions on the nation and the world and he turned in to the politiction he is which for the must part sucks. I hate it when a politions starts talking like one when they can be somewhere that they can have some fun. Not everything has to be politic's you know and that would nice to see some times out of the Pres.. but all we get is this poltical crap. i guess they don't want the rest of the world to see that the man in charge of the U.S. is human, they want to see this politicon all the time.
This is good to see him on show like you know it looked liked he lighted up near the middle/end of it because they need to get off the poltical crap. they went on pop culture. You know I am watching it as I write this so it is a little mixed up most of the time and I'm not sure what is happening just yet got about 10mintues or so it just a little bit before it's over. Now Elizabeth just needs to go because she is so focused on the unemplyment rate and she keeps attacking at the point. SHe is so full of shit she need to get off the show, I don't care for her because she is so singled minded and at times seamed hostal towards him. So thank go she jsut sat there most of the time with her mouth shut which is something new and was very nice.
Now to show how importent this interview was they got barbra to come back after her heart operation and you know it's might be one of the only reasons he showed up on the show. Now one of the question they asked him which is I want to answer for you they asked him why dont you refure to yourself as a black Pres.. The simple answer because he is the Pres.. He isn't a black Pres.. He's the Pres.. for me there is no color for the Pres.. they are the Pres.. weather they are a man or a woman. I don't care and for the most part that is what I see when I look at the Pres. a person nothing more and I don't care wither they are purple or yellow or red. they are the Pres... and you better repect them for who they are...
Ok The races in this country..
You know this is on topic I have try and stay away from becaue I'm one of those people that don't really gives a crap excapt when I hear people talk about it. and then I say look you generat this crap yourself and so do many others. Look racism is made by both side, why do you ask very simple. They call themsevies by what they are and not who they are. A Black man, a white man a mexican man and a native amaerican are all racise. end of point. Now a man who calls himself a man is just that and is not a racies.
Back to the point..
The second a person put's themself in side of a race they are a racis to me. there is nothing more to it, but a man is a man and a women is a women. there is nothing more to it. the second you think of yourself in a race class you are a rasics there is nothing less to it and you know for me one of the biggest racies I ever seen or heard talk is Chris Rock. Everytime I hear him talk he say such crap. and the shit that comes out of his mouth is just... stuff I don't even want hear because he is just full of crap...
Back to the View...
Ok so now back to the Pres.. You know for a Pres.. to take his time and do something like this is kind of intresting, but at one point it sounded that it was something he wanted his wife to see and this was on of the only shows that she watched, what does that say about her intrest in the country, beyond the fact she wants all of us to get on this health kick of her's. Now no way do I want to bash her because I don't know her and I have no information on her, so that just comes from what the Pres.. said on the show when asked about why he was doing the View and not some other show, and you know I'm glad he did something like this other then some new program because I don't think we would have gotten any pop culture questions in and really seen what was going on. It was a intresting as Pres.. interact with diffrent types of people asking him questions and thank good for the most part elizabeth kept her big mouth shut. most of the times I can't stand the crap that comes out of her mouth, but all in all I think it was a intresting interview and we got to see him dodge some intresting questions, I hope you say it and just enjoyed it if you watched it...
Thanks for all the Fish

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What to say

Start will oil...
Ok for the most part I have left this BP oil thing alone because I have no idea how it really started and all I ever saw was that oil is spilling out in the the gulf and it millions of gallions and day and it's the worest eco man distater in history and they just aren't fixing the problem because it was so far under the water they couldn't get anyone or thing doen there and then they finally got some kind of cap that slowed things down a little then they got a second cap that has come close to stopping it and now the real clean up can begain and there was a lot of politcs happening and BP was going to pay for a lot of things and they set a side something like 20 million dollors to help out other people with it. First do you think that little is going to help clean things up I think you need to add a few more 0's to it like three. Now I could be wrong it could be billion but hey you can only read so fast when your on a bike and the T.V. is on subtitles more then 20feet away and you have sweat in your eyes, but that is be sides the point. Now today I turn on my computer and I catch this blip peice that they have lost a lot of the Oil. it would appear that something like 40% of the oil that has being in the water has vansihed by evaporating in to the air and that only 1 to 2% of it will be cleaned up by scavanged boats that pick the stuff up off the water. Ok so the clean up is now down to something like 58% which is still a shit load of oil that is going to either hit land fall or be on animals or where ever else it goes. hey but 40% is gone just disappeared in the air through evaperation big news yes it is but don't for get you still got another 60% to deal this so let's not jump for to much joy here and give BP a break. the made the mess don't get cocky and let them off the hook, they still need to clean up the other 60% that is out there because 40% is nothing when you are dealing with a spill that could cause and has cause all kind of problems like the incress in the price off gas now that the well has been caped. I don't know about you guy's but my gas prise has gone up by all most 10cents in the last week or so and I believe that is when they capped the well. so do we have to start it leaking again to get gas prices to drop again. I mean this is nuts and full of crap for this to be happening now adn I do mean the price of gas going up again. well the think was leaking I could kind of see it but once we got it capped off no wew should be dropping like a stone which it is not and remember there is still 60% of the oil leak in the oceans that is going to cause havoc for years and I do mean years to come, because it's takes that long for the eco system to recover from something like this so don't jump to high tell it close to beeing done and for get about the 40% that has disappeared and think about the 60% that is still out there killing and changing the eco system that man is bent on destoring like he does every thing in his way..
Ok Now Mel...
You know I'm way behind on his one more then anything else because I don't care and I don't think anyone else should. Look crap like this happens every day all over the U.S. and you never hear about it just because it's Mel Gibson and tapes get released to some on-line meda instead of the cops you get to hear it first hand, and I understand that some of the tapes are not even real. they have been sliced to geather from all kinds of things, even if he did say those words where did they come from. I mean come on the guy's and actor you can pick them up from any one of the movies he has made over the year and they you have to make sure that they are from his voice to be true, because yeah he say's a few works that is trully him but you cut in a few others from some one who sounds a lot like him and you got yourself a tape of mel gibson saying crap that he didn't say. not that hard with todays tech and computers shit look what it's dont to the movies just to start with and in some case Nude photos of celeb's on the Net. people take still straight from the DVD and post them all over the place some are really scary too, but that has nothing to do with this really excapte you can do the same with an aduio file cut it up and reedit together with someone that sounds much the same and bingo you got what you need. someone listing to it heards the persons voice so when the sound alike comes along for a few words you don't hear the diffrents at all....
Addicition of all kinds...
ok mor quick headlin's which really I don't care about but see all the time. Celebs with drugs got to rehab and the meda get's it wrong. Look I know that celebs should be some kind of roll modle, but then again they are just people and you know they screw up to so it's time they did the time all of it no mater what, but some say hey I'll run to rehab before they catch me that way I can blame it on drugs or something like that, guess what I don't care what they hell is going on in there life. for me a good role modle is the guy how brought me up, my dad and that is where you should look for a roll modle not some stupied celeb because they are more screwed up then you could possably imagin. hell devorice rrate his huge in that world and guess what drugs are part of it so stop say I'm going to rehab for it just go and shut the hell up. I don't want to hear about it. Hell in some cases stopping could kill you. I mean look what happened to that guy from gratefull dead. He did cok and hair for more then 40years and then decissed to stop. His body kind of went wait where is my cok or hair and when it didn't get it the body stopped bang he is dead and the world morns for a hair and cok addic and a whole socity is closed down oops. time to get a real life now guy's so look get off celbs they'll have a better life with out us bugging them and you know if you want to share a line or two with them cool go for it..
It's all Crap...
You know in the end I don't care about Celbs I don't about the oil, but not as much as I should, it just needs to get cleaned up and the people that made the mess need to pay for it for the rest of the stuff that is out there it's just crap. report the ture stuff and for the rest of it who care things happen and we have to deal with it so deal with it and give blame out later because in the end it's all crap.. Fix the damn problem...
Thanks for all the Fish

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Where are we

In Pain..
know you I have seen a ot of thingsover the years and one of the worest is someone with teeth pain, but right now my lower back is killing me so I can't think staright. of corse when Have I ever been able to think straight. my mind is so twisted sometimes that I couldn't tell you the last time I had a staright thought, but I do now this Vamps are not sparkly. so anyone who has any type of pain I can show some intrest in and show on smipyth towards because right now I'm having a hard time walking so forget picking anything up. even now I have an Ice mpack on my lower back and trying to frezze the hell out of it I hurt so much. Now remember Vamps are not sparkly burst in to flame yes but sparkly no. Ok now This all started ruffy monday maybe sunday night and the only thing I made a change in was that i had a mike hard with dinner so let's take that away and find out if achole really is bad for you and if it is and I start to get better well you'll know because I'll have something better to go on about other then hey I killed muy back and Vamps are not sparkly some and walk in sun light but they do not sparkle when they do it, but in the end pain is not a good thing you can't do anything but think about it and want to play with the area that hurts which in the end only make it hurt more so how stupied is that. SO does any one know what the day of the week is I'm so lost right now I just keep working things out in my head but with my back killing me like it is a hard floor and ice pack has been my best friend most of the day, unitl I was able to get up and go to my chiro man is he good sometimes and today he was on it. He didn't like the way I was but he was not giving up till he got the thing to move he moved me to two diffrent tables and worked the thing over and if you are woundering just by looking at me he could see that my left hip was two count that two inches hight then my right Oh I am so broken right now it's not funny and it sure as hell don't feel good. Now other then working on a computer most of sunday I have do idea what I could have been, but I can tell you this much Vamps do not sparkle and I hurt for almost no reason and I have not found anything that can take away the pain right now asprin is out and I have to stop the little drinking that I have done do to the fact that that might have been what caused this which would be stupied yet really the only thing new to what I have done of late and have you ever notice how cold and ice pack can get after a while when you don't think about it and that vamps don't sparkle. maybe I should go watch the news might make me feel a little about myself to see so murder and mayhem, but i just not sure I want to try and get out of this chair right now, but then again the movment has been doing me good so I think I might have tried or should try and go to the gym tomorrow do a slow walk instead of the bike just because I hurt so much and it might help a little becaue once I get moving I do pretty good it just that Vamps are not sparkly there is now way in the world that they should sparkle. I think that might be the best thing tomorrow once I had a bad nights sleep maybe I can find some of the nive stuff that starts with a V to help me sleep, just hope it's not the blue pill I find. I think I sent away for a sample of it once but I don't remember if I ever got it so I shouldn't have any of it in the house, but I have alway haad a intrest in it. Like everything else you got to try it once unless it's really stupied to do so and could kill you even tring it once, so where does that leave use oh yeah that right Vamps are not sparkley
Thank for all the Fish

Monday, July 26, 2010

News the moon and the sea

Who writes it and why..

You lmow I'm so far behind on what is happening in the world at it's almost gotten to the point of I don't really care. The news is on every night and yeah I make a habit of not watching it, but I have also turn my T.V. off so much of late that I haven't even seen what the hell is happening in the few t.v. shows that I do that I have no idea what is going on in them. Of late there hasn't been on to really want to watch and when I turn on the computer I don't really look on the headlines which are full of shit to even know what they say. look over the last couple of days there just hasn't been much happening that I want to know about. Look the world is going to hell in a hand bascket and we are going along for the right or in some cases we are driving it there. Look huimanity is not the greatest thing in the univeral and we never will be and sometime you think it is but then all you have to do is watch the news and you'll see that it isn't time just keeps run and we keep destoring and killing like we have been for millions of year and for a milllion more I can see why if we ever get out into space that other species will want us dead, very very dead. a look into human history is as we need to do to see that to claw out into space which I am all for, bur it is also a huge mistake.

To the Moon..
You know I have always wanted to return to the moon and I think it was stupied for us to have stopped going to the moon in the first place. They made the space shuttle but it's only good in earth orbit. how dumm is that. we where on are way to find new way of doing things and beening on the moon was one of them. I know we have started a plain to return to the moon and set up a base there I just hope we return soon I was young well we were on the first time and i remember the start of the space shuttle program and as a matter of fact when i was a kid i was less then 100yard for the space shuttle through a hanger door which was closed, they where doing a few checks on the ship so we where not able to see it or go into it which sucked because I had my camra already and the dad was with me. Me and my dad have always done a lot of thing that have to deal with NASA together and being at edwards air force base with him was a great adventer, later the two of us would go to the Cap together and still not see the space shuttle, but we would be able to see and touch on off the clawers which was too cool. there is nothing like going to some place with one of the greatest people in the world and by now I was hoping, but know full well it would never happen, be going to the moon with my father, but right now would be happy just for the human race to return to the moon. You know the U.S. are the only people to have gone to the moon. once they had done so In 1969 the russians stopped trying and no other country has even tried to do it. the question is why. The moon is a small step forward into the great thing we call space which yeah we may not be ready for because of all the crap that is happening here on are own plante. yet I think it is something we should try and do. There a great many things to do in the world why not also add on the moon as well..

The sea
So let's turn to the other side of the coin. The sea. the dangers are almost the same if not even more so. We want to go out in to space to see what is out there, but at the same time why not head down and build and huge underwater city somewhere. not just for the scince and the great exploration of the oceans, but for entertainment and a place to take people on vaction. it is also a little earier I think to work with. it's something here on the planet and something we can get many more people to work on at the sametime. The many set back time and time again is the presser of the water. we just need to find away around it to expain out into the world we have here but then again that brings whole new problems which is nothing need, but try and thing of a road way between the americas and eroupe and all the off ramps that we could make. you would diffrently need to have an eletric car for that trip other wise you could kill more then just the sea life, oh and think of all the new fish you could find to eat and be attacked by like a huge squid or something that glows in the dark. just a idea or two and we need to start with something may be a little smaller like the tunnal to russia from alaska, because you already can drive from england to france so we need to be able to drive from russia to the U.S. and then for the most part you could drive yourself more then 3/4 of the way around th world, you could do it now if you time it right for the barring straight, but wouldn't it be nice to be able to do it all the time and then think about a tunnal to greenland and then to iceland. make are way around the world slowly but let's tunnal our way around make and exploration of the sea well we are at it we want to know what the planet is like that we live on well here is way to do it. build underwater citys and tunnals to drive to them, but you know that will never happen so let's go watch moon rise

Thanks for all the Fish

Sunday, July 25, 2010

sundays story

Book 1 The return...

When the two of us reappeared this time we came falling out of the ceiling behind Blackjack. We were in the barracks of none other the the fifteenth Armor Tech Division. Blackjack simply turned around not suprised at all. Well all the others in the room shot up out other seats on to there feet. "Well you took long enough, it's been two days. All hell is going on around here." Blackjack paused to take a good look at the way we were dress as Warrior and myself start to stand up. "Well I guess this means we have less then twenty four hour to finish this war and hopfuly get home."

The Brace computer popped in with "You have less then twenty four hours."

I lifted my left arm to look at the brace computer "Ithought you said we had just over thirty?"

"Sorry, but while you were getting dressed C.O.R.A.L. and I were talking and with the time displacment and some new facts about our famous flowers you now have less then twenty four hours and that could change we are still doing some adding."

I dropped my arm to my side and turned around around to see the Lieutentant walk into the room with two other members of the tech squad. "Tell your command that they better get some people and heavy fire power up to the mother ships and start knocking them out." I looked at the others team members who had walked in with her "Time is running out. I'm taking my team up to the main ship and take it out from the inside." The Lieutenant started to storm towards me as I was giving her orders "That should help confuse them, not know where we came from and give your people a little more time to start knocking them out."

The Lieutenant was now dressed in a type of pink and white spandex that showed off her real figure. The outfit was tight against her skin and was in the same pattern as her battle armor. Just without all the sharp covers and bumps that formed her body, The beauty that she always presented was something else and the mad look on her face told a diffrent story as she stormed towards me and I issused more orders to her. The Lieutenant stuck her index finguer out and right into my chest. She started to really drive in in this time. SHe looked up into my eyes to make sure that she would get her point across "You're not going anywhere without me and my troops." She gestured with her other hand "You over grown dummy and if you do I'll have your ass thrown out of the damn corp." she paused to think about something for a second "Then we won't have to worry about if your dead or not, which we can never tell you disappear so often and kicking you out would make a lot of people very happy." She barked at me as if not wanting to be shut out of all the fun that was about to happen. The others that had come into the room stood behind her with all their force to show their support for their commander.

I looked down at the Lieutenant, pulled her finguer out of my chest "Look first that doesn't hurt, so please stop doing it and second, as far as the corp, they think I'm dead so I don't give a damn and there is no way on the world that you can get me to take you and your troops up there with me. No way in hell because it's going to be come a world class hell hole." I turned, looked at Warrior and the others "Everybody ready for this." They nodded their heads and started to draw weapons "good and I lowered my voice to talk to myself "Because I'm not." I turned back around "let's go. Form up." Warrior, Nancy, Kathleen and Blackjack stood behind in a pyramid shape with me at the point facing the Lieutenant. Warrior was off to my left. Blackjack was off to my right with Kathleen off to his right and Nancy was off to Warriors left. "Lock and Load people." Warrior checked the seven shooter he had drawn, Blackjack pulled out and checked the clip on the M-sixteen he was holding and pulled back the hammmer ready for action. The Warrior Maidens cocked their shoot and held them into the ready. I reached down and flexed my right hand. The doors opened on my leg and I grabbed my classic nine millimeter that came out and the doors closed. The Lieutentant watched the complete show and was a little suprised to see the doors on my leg open then closed "Neat trick don't you think." I paused for a second looking into her eye's "well if I don't see you in the next world I've got to tell you it's been fun." I paused again "Bye." I looked up at the ceiling of the barracks "Teleport." just as I said teleport the Lieutenant grabbed hold of my hand and we all disappeared with a simple flash of light, leaving behinda room half full of astonished people..

Ok who can say rewrite rewrite and even more rewrite, boy does that piece need work and more work. I had a hard time making out some of it so i'm sorry for all this raw writing this weekend, but it's what I got for you it's just been hard to find something good to write out these last couple of days with all the things I have had to do of late so you get a crappy store that is in it's raw form. I would like to almost always give you something good, but well all know that is not going to happen because I have already giving you crap to read and not just in my storied and one really bad poem... I hope to inprove on it for in the future. sorry for the mess this weekend.

Thanks for all the Fish.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday's story

Book 3: The Helo-carrier...

The helocarrier was stopped 10 miles out over the ocean. The red cliffs where just insight. The Fling ship could not get any closer with out losing all power and crash in to the ocean. Blackjack stood on the bow of the great ship wounding how long it was going to take thing to row to the shore. The weather was starting to get ruff and the waves were starting to pick up. The last report was 2 feet, but he knew that could change with in a matter of minutes. Nancy Came out of a hatch behind Blackjack. She was dressed in one the COREL team, but instead of the normal black it was a deep red. Over the years living with the family Nancy has grown very tired of dark brown and black she wears nice bright colors. She walked over, placed her hands on the rail and looked out over the water. “Now we have to row, but I’m not sure that it is something that Vincent can do and Blaze should do?”

Blackjack looked at the red cliffs “He has no choose and we need to take Blaze with us. She is going to be the Second key to this. If I understood the Riddle right she knows more then any one and has the reset of it in her known. Warrior on the other hand is the main key to finding the path to our King.”

“Oh yes our King.” Nancy said not happy about it “The man that we swore our life and time to. How did we get ourselves in to this? Arther may have been a great man brought peace to the known world, but after this many years I think we can call are duty done.” She rested he hand on he left hip.

“Nancy this is nothing and you know that. Nothing your practice wouldn’t wait till it done and over with. Father is for the most part dead and can’t do it. Now like many other things that we don’t know we have to take care of it. We are Family and this is a family matter isn’t that right Kathleen.” “Yes it is.” Kathleen closed the hatch behind her. She was now dressed in same outfit as everyone else on the helocarrier. “but remember that in our case family is not all in the DNA but in the person who brought us all together and tried to raises us as protectors of the human race and the King is the one person we need to protect at all cost.” She walked over to join the two standing by the rail looking at the red cliffs. “Warrior should be able to do this trip but I have an idea of what we can do with Blaze.”

“What to do with her?” Nancy asked.

“Blaze was in the library and held prisoner for over a year. She is the women of our first riddle.” Kathleen said not sure what needs to be truly done.

The hatch opened again and this time it was one of the helocarrier personal “Sir we are ready to set you down. The boat is ready and waiting should I have the rest of your party informed and taken down to the drop ship.”

“yes have the other’s set to the drop ship and inform Dir. Fury to come down as well I’ll need to talk to him just before I go.” Blackjack said The solder saluted and turned around and went back throw the hatch. “well shell get this party on the road.” The Twins filed suit and headed in throw the hatch and Blackjack followed them.

They headed down the narrow corridor passing by door ways as people passed back and forth from one side to the other. “Blackjack, How long as this thing has been in the air?” Nancy asked

“This Carrier has been up for about 5 years ever sense the first one crash more then 10 years ago and the company closed for a few years.” He said, They came to strange enough an elevator. One of the only carriers in the world that has one in it. They stepped in and waited. The doors closed and the started up. When the elevator stopped the exited it and came found Warrior and Blaze standing there waiting to go out. “So this is the smallest of the floating tubs.”

“Yes but she is the best and my retirement home.” Said a gruff voice from behind them.

“Sir.” Blackjack said and turned to face the man.

“Blackjack what can I do for you.” The man Stood 5foot 6inch's he had a black flattop hair cut with white sides. An Eye patch covered his left eye with a deep scare running out. From his right shoulder was the world SHEILD on it. The second being and his shoulder holster was a weathered and brown. Blackjack stood more then a head taller then the man but snapped to attion when he heard the mans voice and did every other person in the room. “Easy up son, you’re the second in command on this fling tub of mine.” He turned to look at everyone in the room “Good afternoon.” He said to everyone

“Sorry Sir.” Blackjack said the man Looked at Blackjack with an look of you know better “Sorry Nick, but I need to talk to you and ask you a favorite.”

“what do you need Blackjack” He said

Blackjack walked Nick away from the group so they couldn’t hear what was being said. Warrior Watch the two walk away “So that’s the great Nick Fury that Father talked about.”

“Yupe that would be him.” Nancy Said

“should I know who this guy is?” Blaze asked

“Nope.” Warrior said “Nick is an old friend of Fathers and I do mean old. They go back to World War Two when Nick had two eyes none of us where even thought of.” Warrior leaned back against the wall “Never meet the man, but I know he is a good guy and Father would trust him with his life if need me.”

“So what is he doing here?” Blaze asked “is he coming with us.”

“Nope as much as he would like to he knows he can’t. This is a Family matter.” Kathleen said. She walked over and put her arm around Blaze “And that’s why you get to come along sweet sister. You are now part of the family.” She gave he a big squeeze.

“then why don’t I have the great powers that you four have.” She Said “so I guess that means I came from the weak one of the gen pool.”

“Or that you haven’t come into to them just yet.” Nancy said “Remember we worked with father for five years before be developed anything.”

“How many times have you meet George over the years though.” Blaze ask

“George!!!!” all three of them said at the same time.

“You meet George?” Warrior asked

“Yeah well we were in the library. He came in and we talked for a little while.” Blaze answered. She looked at each person in turn. “what? I would have thought all of you would have meet or at least see George in your life time.”

“Oh..” Warrior put his hand over his mouth and back away from her. Nancy and Kathleen took deep breath and also stepped back. “Well that puts a few more things into place if you have meet and even talked to George.”

“What? I don’t get it what is so big about meeting and talking to George.” Blaze asked complete in shook and very confused why the other where freaking out on her.

“George is not someone that you just meet and talk to. None of us have ever talked to him.” Nancy said “Oh we need to talk and find out what is really going on.”

“No one just talks to George it can’t be done.” Warrior said “The only two people how talk to George are Father and the CORAL Computer and to meet him usually means that Father has ask that you are removed from the world for something that you did to him.” He turned to look at the others “Lucky there are only two people that have ever had that fate put upon them.”

“Wait so you are saying that I meet a guy’s who is with drawn from the world so much that his only contact was with Father and a super computer that seats underwater and just outside of Atlantes.” Blaze said She herself backed away from everyone. She found a chair pulled it up and sat down. Slowly she lowered her head into her hands “Oh I’m in so much trouble.”

“Much more then you think young lady.” The gruff Voice said Blaze looked up at the Aged and weathered one eyed face of Nick Fury. “Nick Fury Dir of Operation here at Coral.” He put out his hand. Blaze reach up and shook his hand “With all that has happened and is happening you just might be the most inporten person on the plant.”

“Oh Great just add the presher on her Nick.” Blackjack said standing behind her.

“Well to easy things just a little.” He looked over his shoulder at Blackjack “I have seen and talked to George twice in my life time.” He looked back at Blaze “so don’t feel too bad. Regardless of what everyone say’s about him he really is a nice guy.”

“Good to here that, but then I do have a question.” Blaze said standing up “Who the hell is George?”

“He’s the guardian of CORAL base.” Warrior said “He is also the only person in the world that hates humanity enough to want to destroy it. Father ran into him a few hundred years ago and locked him away in CORAL base and he has been happen ever seance.”

“But you can all talk about that on the ride to the main land.” Nick Said “But first I need you to sign a few paper for me.’” A crew man handed Nick a Clip board “This is simple paper work for the uniform and weapons issued to you.” He turned the clip board and handed it to her with a pen. “The First page I just need you to sign at the bottom and then the second Page I need you to intal about mid page and sign at the Bottom.” Blaze looked over the first page and say that it was a slandered form and signed it. She Flip to the second initialed and then signed the second page. “Thank you.” He turned and handed the Clip board to Blackjack. Blackjack took the Clipboard and walked over to Warrior and Had him sign the same papers “Now my dear I know you have been berifted on what is happening and what is going to happen, but I like to meet ever one that come on board my fling tub and everyone likes to call it.” Nick looked over his shoulder at Blackjack “it’s all right I call that myself, But there is something I do have for you if you come for with me.’ He starch out his hand to help her up out of the chair.

Blaze took Nicks hand and stood up “Sure I knew I can more then trust you. Father wrote in one of the books that I came across you where the one person in the world outside of the family that he could and would trust.”

“Good to hear that.” He said “Please right this way.” And her started to lead her out of the room. As nick passed by Blackjack he handed him the clipboard. Nick looked down at the paper on top and noted his head.

“Nick.” Warrior said “How long before we can lunch?”

“The four of you can load now, when I get back with Miss Tyler you will be dropped off.”

“Come on Warrior Let’s get all the gear loaded.” And Blackjack picked up one of the five duffle bags that was laying in the floor. Warrior grab two of more and followed Blackjack as he went down and other stair case.

Nancy looked over to Kathleen “something is not right here. We didn’t have to sign anything when we got our uniforms why would Blaze and Warrior have to.”

“and the Dir of SHIELD dosed not come down to have you sign the papers himself.” Kathleen said looking at the back of Blaze as she walked down the hallway behind Nick “and seance when does Nick want to meet everyone that comes on to the Helocarrier? I didn’t meet him the first time I came aboard this crazy thing.”

“No me neither, But I know Father and him do go back a long way.” Nancy said as she picked up one of the duffel bags.

“Yeah, so something must be up. I think Blackjack must have had Blaze sign something and Nick need to be here for it to make it legal in some way.” Kathleen Said “He did hand the Board to Blackjack and Blackjack Turned to Warrior and had him sign the same papers, did you see that.” And she picked up on of the duffel bags.

“Yeah I did, But how much of a deal should we make of this?” Nancy said and started to walk towards the stair case following behind Blackjack and Warrior.

“I don’t think we should do too much about it.” Kathleen Said following behind her “What ever it was it’s pretty much done with and in front of the Dir of SHEILD and a lawyer it’s got to be more then lleage with those to people in the room.”

Ok so now that is almost as raw as it gets. There is little done to it more then just beening writen in one place and then up on here so I know there is a tank load of mistakes both in spelling which has had only one spell-check to it and then there is the grammer and many other things I just didn't have the time to reform it in to something a little more done then what you have seen in the past. this is just one big mess and it took way to long just to get it posted and in the form it is in. I'm not happy about it in any form and the time it took to get posted., but there it is a part of book three..

Thanks for all the Fish

Friday, July 23, 2010

Is it Friday..

No suprise..
Ok so by now you know if you see the enterprise there really isn't anything to read, but in this case it's not the enterprise ot the exclsor from the third movie, but it does kind of look like the enterprise B doesn't it, but that beside the point and you know I don't have a point for tonight just endless dribble that isn't really endless because at one point I'll just stop talking and send you on your marry why, but untill that let's see what we got for the day beside running around and wounder if it is friday or not. because it's been on of those week where you just want it to send but you have no idea where you are in the time line for days of the week, and I think today just one of those days. You just keep moveing and everything get's done..
Oh wait Idea for something..
ok so I had to run to the bank today. I thought I would go thru the drive thru, now My kids like to watch the air tubs so I went to that side Big mistake it took me three count it three extra car to go thru that side then it would have if I went thru the reguler draw. I was so pissed, because the lady doing the window was really more intrested in the window person when with the tub person and what pissed me off more when see was dealing with me she took another so I had to wait another person so in total I had to wait four extra people to do I simple transaction and I do mean simple I was just deposting a check. You know this isn't the first time I have had problems with this branch. The other one that I drive by a little more often is so much better at working the drive thru. it's sad to say to get some good customer service I would have to drive over 8 miles. I do so hate it when you walk in to a place and you see a line of people and only one person helping the costmers. just goes to show where some companies think there people should be, but then again it's may not be the company but the manager at the bussiness, because I have been in some really nice places and they are run like crap and I have been in some really crappy places and they run like a dream..
So is it friday. I don't really know and I don't really care. because tomorrow is just another day.
Thanks for all the Fish

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I got Nothing maybe Gas

Gas prices..
Ok so you need to tell me if I'm wrong about this. There is a oil spill out in the gulf and hunders of gallions are following out into the water and Gas prices stay the same and even go down a little. Now they cap the thing so that it start to either slow down and or stop and the price of gas starts to go up again how stupied is this. I mean yeah I can see where the price could have gone up when the thing was leaking, but now they got it capped and it's slowed the price starts to go up again. I know summer is here and prices do go up durning the summer but do you thing now was the best time for the price of gas to really start going up. you it's just stupied and also have you noticed that there are more ad's on T.V. for cleaner energy now they there where when the spill was happening now that they have a small clean up plain going and somewhat work you get ad after ad on cleaner and cleaneer energy, but you can't find any of the car's or stastion for eithanol or power stations to recharge a electral car at a shopping mall. you know they want to preach this stuff but they don't give us the ablitiy to use it. so stop with all the ad on cleaner energy if we can use it. and then there is the power company who more or less run's most of the energy we use on a reguler basis and yet your power bill goes up yeah let's have cleaner energy but it's going to cost you more money. It's hard to say what really is the good thing is for all of us..
Nothing else..
You know that's all I really got for you just a little on gas price for the most of the day I have been working aorund my house trying to get thing put things back together so enjoy the night the moon is raising time to go out side and watch..
Thank for all the Fish

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Bears and Faces

Look a Bear..
Ok so you have places where you can see animals in nuture and you are somewhat save, but there are other places where you can camp and you are not save they give you rules to protech your food lock it in a steel box and now where else while on the site it's kind of scary to see a bear destorying a car just to get something to eat. They are cool creatures but they are something you don't want to mess with. in this case you get to look at one in nuture,but your not safe in a bus behind glass as it moves along on a set trail, which in it's self not realy a good idea beacuse the bear could still attack the bus once it got the timing down so you know they are not dumm creatures as a mater of fact they are quit smart and can figure thing out like how to get into a car to get at your food or who to climb a tree to get your food how to open an unlocked box to get at your food and they really know how to walk through a tent to get your food, so you don't want to readlly mess with a bear if you don't have to and i don't care which kind of bear you looking at if it's a cub or if it's a full grown one..
Now on a stupied side noteI was watching for the first time which I'll go on about in a feew second here. I saw Faces of Death which is 30years old now for the first time and they had a bear attack which was fake. There where to people shooting video of this bear that this was feed and they one of they guy's who was shooting the bear got out of the car and start to walk around and shoot closer pictures of it and then the bear attacked him. the bear took the guy's arm off and you are lead to believe that it killed him. the point that you can see that this is fake is when the bear attacks they use the footage of the guy who is being attacked instead of the other guy's footage who is shoot the bear from the other side of the court yard...
OK now the Movie...
Now the movie Faces of Death a movie I first heard about back in like 1984 and it was sposted to be footage of real thing like a guy in an eletric chair and the bear attack both of which are really fake the bear attack I have talked about already. Now the dude getting the chair. If you know anything about the chair. The first thing they do before you go to the chair is shave your head and most of you body and the other part is when the guy is being give the juice the head cape almost comes off. I mean yeah it has some gore to it which is ok so you get to see who they my cosher beef and kill a few lamb's and they show you the after math of all kind of crash's and thing but none of the suff you would like to see is anywhere near reall it was a big disapointment that why this was band in 43 other countries is byond me it was just a lot of gore more then anything else and to a 14 15 year old kid yeah it's scarey but to a older person over the age of 18 guess what it's just boring and a lot of gore nothing spechail. Now for the time it might have been something out standing but in todays world you can some of that stuff on T.V. now and in the movies if not even worst they's now that why you have to remember that the film is 30years old but stilll to fake so of the stuff that is just wrong. let's see the real stuff, but it is what it is and in my case it was a major disappointment because I was looking forward to seeing some of the stuff that was supost to be on the tape and wasn't or they cut away for the action just when it was getting good. So you know if you want to see it go ahead but for the most part you can skip it because in the end I started to fast forward throught it so do what you want to with it..
OK now for a cheery thing...
Nothing I have nothing cheery for you. it's been a hot day and I have been cleaning house and doing landry and that is not cheery so that'll do it for the night..
Thanks for all the Fish

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Whats with 3D

The Movies...
What the hell is with all this 3D crap at the theater of late. it's like every movie thatis coming out is in 3D of late I don't like it. I mean come on. it wasn't that good back in the 80's and almost didn't exstited in the 90's so what the hell is with it now. I mean almost every movie tha I have seen this year has been in 3D and it's a pain in the eyes. I mean one you got the glass you have to wear and if I wanted to wear glass I would wear the ones I should be wearing. and then you got the over priceing because it's in 3Dit's just nut's ooh yeah they do have the 2D version as well but you not cool if you don't go and see the 3D version of the film. You know I just think it sucks because when you go to buy it on Bul-ray later it's only in 2D and youlose almost half of the affects, but then again now yo can buy the 3D T.V. and Blu-ray player, but you still have to wear the stupied glass which I get but it suck you have to pump out over 3grand to get the same thing you get in the theater. look just make movies in 2D and leave it at that . I know it's easier to make them in 3D and that the affect is better then it was back in the 80's but come one I think we have had more then enough I see people getting motiion sickness in the theater and there popcorn bucket in to a barf bucket which really sucks because you can't refill it just as you leave the theater. You know I was never a big fan of 3D and I still am not. I think it is kind of cool but when it becomes an everyday thing it's no longer spechail and everyone and thing is doing it. If I was the big production compeny I would only put out the major block buster or what should be the big film for the summer out in 3D and maybe a Kids movie as well, but then again you have so many companies making movies now aday it's hard to see who is making the 3D film so let's just cut it out all around. I think it's to much of a pain in the eyes and you don't get the samething when you get the movie at home. as a mater of fact I don't think 3D has ever worked for me at home it's just made the picture a little red and blue but cleaned it up from the blureyness taht was there when they switched over to what was to be 3D so let's not start running thing in 3D on reguler T.V other wise I'll just have to stop watching the tube and that would be a sad thing. I already watch way to much T.V. as it is but I'm starting to get in to a few show's that are a little more of a learning expeance thing but are there for per entertainment even if it is reality T.V. ok I'll beark it's Pawn stars.
Ok the Tube...
Look I know I watch way to much tube and the Pawn stars are just the news of things that I have started to watch but you know as much as it's a reality show it's also a learning show. You see some intresting things and you can learn something about history I think thats why I watch it because you learn soemthing new almost every week or at the very least you get a good laugh out of it's just something cool to watch late at night just before you go to sleep, but als long as they don't put it in 3D I'll be happy. It would be a huge mistake to make reguler T.V. in 3D it has never worked and it might one day but you know let's get that holgrphic tech going for T.V. to make something in 3D let's not wimp around with it ok.
Thanks for all the Fish

Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday really

The beginning of the week...
So the week begins and you got things to do you have to start your runnning around and go to work for those who have work to go to and for some mondays they last forever they go on for more then 14hours you never see the light of day because you got up and the sun was starting to come up and you go home and the sun is almost done you have never see the light of day and you have never flet the warmth of the sun which is very depressing. You know I'm not a big person of the sun because of what it can do to my eyes but you know I think it's importen to see and feel every now and then. it's just when you have a day l ike this it's hard to know that it is a good day, but you do know that it's monday because it is such a long day and you have never see the sun on day's like today you feel like you never get anything done, becaue your forever at work and you haven't seen anyone that you really know. But the hardest part of the whole thing is that you don't get to see your family because your kids are asleep when you get up and go to work and then when you get home they are back in bed and almost asleep again, but then you think it's the summer and they don't have to get up earily in the next morn for school so they can stay up tell the sun is completly gone. this is what a monday is and it's no fun for anyone regarles of who you are.. so at the end for the day your tired and pissed that you haven't seen your family so you know get you ass off the computer and go play with them because this is a stupied thing to be doing when you haven't seen your family all day and your tired so go away
Thanks for all the Fish

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Book one: Memory loss.
I woke up sometime around eleven o’clock in the morning with a stiff neck and sore shoulder. I looked around the room to try and figure out where I was. When I saw Blaze laying unconscious in the bed I knew that I was in the Hospital in Stanton Hills. I stood up from the chair that I had apparently fallen asleep in last night to stretch my legs. I was in a daze as to what was going on and where Warrior’s Father had gotten off to, for me to have woken up and not him.

I walked over to the bed and looked at Blaze laying there. I slide my right hand down the side of her face “Beautiful.” It’s at this point I knew that there was more to what was happening then I knew and Warrior’s Father wanted me to know. I never really knew the people I lived around I just did my work and went on with my life, leaving everyone to themselves, but there was a reason that I was awake and Warrior’s Father wanted me to know it.

As I looked down at Blaze trying to figure out what was going on I heard the door to the room open behind me “Good you’re awake.”

I turned around to see that Warrior’s Father was standing behind me with a gurney “what is going on here.’

He looked at me as if I should know what he had planned “I’ve sent Warrior and the Warrior Maidens out on Business. They should be back tomorrow. In that time you and I have some work to do.” He pushed the gurney up along side the bed. “Now give me a hand with her.” And he pointed to Blaze.

The two of us pulled back the bed sheets and carefully transferred Blazed from the bed on to the gurney “Where are we going.” Warrior’s Father just glared at me as if I had no reason to be asking question on his actions and he started to push the gurney out of the room “Look I know you don’t like me but…”

“But we have to work together for the rest of your life,” He Paused not happy with that fact “Look there is a chance that the metal bar I…”

I jumped right in on top of him when he told me he put a metal bar in to Blaze’s body “You did what??” I covered my face with my hands and dragged them down back to my side “I don’t believe this.” I stopped him before we got out of the room with Blaze “Ok hold on here for a second.” I walked around the room trying to get a grip on myself and what was going on “Please tell me what’s going on here would you please.”

Warrior Father stood up straight and looked at me as if I was insane. I should have known everything that had happened last night “What’s the last thing you remember.” He asked me with great interest.

“Umm let me think for a minute.” And I started to walk around the room thinking “Let’s see the fight out front of the college. You shoot some guy. You came crashing through the window.” I pointed a finger at me “We came to the hospital and Warrior took some x-rays.” I stopped walking around and looked at him “Then we came together and I woke up here.”

“Shit” Warrior’s father pointed a finger at me “You mean you don’t have any memories of the operation or the fact that I fell asleep in the chair.” I shook my head “Well that’s something new.” He put his hand up to his chain and scratched at the five o’clock shadow as he thought ‘Well you and me.” And he turned around as started to push the gurney out of the room again “We have a little more work to do come on.” He pointed to his bag sitting on the second bed “Get my bag.” I grabbed his bag and started after him “You and me my friend need to fit and put a shoulder brace on are Miss Tyler here as well as and eye patch.” Warriors Father pushed the gurney into an elevator. He had completely forgotten about the memory loss or wasn’t going to talk about it right now.

“Wait isn’t that work made and used on your people. I stepped into the elevator with him and what about my memory loss isn’t that important some how?” I wasn’t about to let it go right at this moment.

The Elevator door closed as I stepped in and Warrior Father reached behind him with his left arm and pushed the button for the fourth floor “Yes and no” he turned to look at me “take another look at Blaze for a second would you.” I looked at her. Half of her face was covered in badges. Her good eye was closed and her red hair was pulled back behind her head “What do you see?”

“I see a beautiful young woman who had been hurt really bad.” I looked up at him “Why?”

“Look again.” He pointed at her. I turned my head and looked back down at the unconscious Blaze “Now use my memories and all that we have learned through time and tell me what you see.”

I stared at Blaze for a good long minute as faces from the past went through my mind. I closed my eye thinking “No” I said in a low tune and opened my eyes “It can’t be.” I looked up at Warriors Father whose arms were folded over his chest “This can’t be.” I stood up and back away from Blaze pointing a finger at her. The Bell to the elevator rang and the doors opened.

“Yes it is.” The doors opened and Warrior’s Father grabbed the end of the gurney and pulled it out of the elevator and started to push it down the hallway towards and operating room. I quickly ran after him recovering my shook of knowing who Blaze just might me “Why do you think I’m going through all this trouble. You know how much I hate the human race when were not together.’ He paused to think of what they had taken from him “Even then I don’t care for it that much.” He looked over at me as we walked down the hall.

The two of us entered the operating room side by side “Ya but this is not right.” I tilted my head to look at Blaze “At least not right now.” Warrior’s Father stopped the gurney next to the operating table. I set his bag down on top of the nice clean new cutting tray and grabbed the sheet to transfer Blaze on to the table. “You know that this isn’t right.”

Warrior’s father grabbed the bottom end of the sheet “I know. Now move it.” We lifted Blaze up on to the operating table. He pushed the gurney away and it slide across the room to rest against the wall we then walked into the adjoining room to wash up.

“So then why are we going through with this?” I said as we washed are hand under hot water. “Blaze is just a kids compared to what we know should be happening.” Warrior’s Father said nothing as he stepped of the foot peddle and grabbed another scrubby and started to scrub his fingers and forearms. “We shouldn’t be he here doing any of this”

“But we are here and even if it’s not right the time frame it has some how moved on us then so be it.” He stepped on the peddle again to start the water and rinsed of his hands and forearms “we made this mess now we have to clean it up,” He let lose the peddle and grabbed at towel from behind us and stared to dry his hands.

When we returned to the O.R. I had on full medical gear while Warrior’s Fathers only had on rubber gloves “Now you do remember how this goes don’t you.” I nodded my head yes “Good so let’s just do this and don’t say a word about why until this is all over to anyone even me.” I nodded my head and we walked over to the table.

We worked on Blaze for the rest of the afternoon and into the night. Time went by slowly as we form fitted a brace for the shoulder that would hold during the time it took to heal and we weren’t sure what to do with the eye. Not until Warrior’s Father came up wit the idea for an eye patch that could lay flat across the socket with bandage on the inside to keep the repair work in place. We made draft after draft of both the shoulder brace and eye patch until we got it done right. They had to be made right to they could cause more damage then good in the end. As much as I know Warrior’s father dislikes me we work well together until we had both the eye patch and shoulder brace perfect. For some strange reason we both knew what was now at stake here and we didn’t want to mess it up.

When we finally finished and had both brace and eye patch on and in place I stepped back from the operating table and looked at him “Well it’s done.”

Warrior’s Father stepped back took off his gloves “Yes it is.” He said looking down at Blaze “What have we done.” He looked up at me “Well time to get her on the gurney.” I walked around the table and retrieved the gurney that we had brought Blaze in on from the far wall and pushed it back over to the table. I headed for the head of the table while Warrior’s Father headed to the foot of the table. We both grabbed the sheet that Blaze was still on. I nodded my head and we both picked her up and transferred her back on to the gurney “Now I believe it’s time for us to become one. Yes?” he said and a button on his left forearm started to blink.

I looked down at the blinking button “Yes I guess it is.” I walked around the table to the far side of the gurney “When ever you are ready.”

Warrior’s Father walked over to me and looked me in the eyes “This is fun.” He pushed the button on his forearm “Tile the end of time.” And he stepped forward in to me. We slowly merged back into one person again. Once I was whole I said “and Beyond.” I turned around walked to the head of the gurney and started to push it back to the room on the third floor.

Once I had gotten Blaze back into her bed and comfortably set I sat back down in the chair that was still next to it. It look like that no one had come into the room sense we left except to make the bed. I sat there and just started to watch Blaze through out the night. Every once in a while I would get up to check on the eye patch and the shoulder brace to make sure everything was setting right, but for the most part I just sat there and watched her thinking of what was to come. At sometime late in the night just after I had finished checking the eye patch and shoulder brace I sat back down in the chair and fell a sleep...
Ok so now we got you a picture of the Warrior Maidens as I first say them way back when I satred writing this more then 20years ago on a comador computer. I still have the 5inch disc's with part of the story on it here. I also got 3 1/2's with it on as well. I just don't have a computer anymore that has those kinds of drive and I got a computer that starts with a c drive and works it way up to O. kind of scary if you ask me, but I am have a small problem with the K drive so it's not hooked up right now. any way between book two last night and book one tonight I would think you might have ands Idea where this is all heading of or you are completly lost, but then what do I know I just write this on the weekend for you guy to try and read and have some fun with, maybe one day I'll even get a coment on how sucky it all is and I should stop, but it's not like anyone is every really going to real the whole story I don't even think my mom has read it all they way through and Iasked her to do that about 15 years ago when I had like the tenth draft of book one and I was thinking about the second., but what does it really matter..
Added note there is a small part where they are washing up. I add that part tonight so there is something new there for you that no one has seen. so Enjoy make fun
THanks for all the Fish..

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday's Story

Book 2: The Child..
A few minutes later we entered on of the many Med-labs. The room was filled with computers screens showing all kinds of readout and different displays. In the center of the room was a large steel cylinder that went from the room’s floor to ceiling. Five feet in front of the cylinder was a large computer terminal. One of the main computer monitors showed a picture of a person. Next to it was another bank of monitor with read outs of a person who look to be in good health? We had come down to one of the genetic labs and what ever George wanted to show me was going to be the steel cylinder in the center of the room.

George made his way through a break in the computers walked around the cylinder and stood next to it as I stopped at the main computer console to look down at what they where monitoring “I had a chance a while a go to get a sample of DNA.” George started to walk around looking at the cylinder “I took that chance. At the same time I was able to get a sample of your DNA.” I looked up at George with great interest but he was behind the cylinder “I took that chance as well.” He can out from behind the cylinder again “I brought both samples down here and had them frozen because I didn’t know if I should do what I wanted to do.” He stopped in front of the cylinder and was looking at me “Then one day you said you might need help with a project or you might go with that crazy security business of yours, so at that point I decided to use it.” I frowned at George and then looked up at the steel cylinder behind him starting to understand what he had done. What ever was in that cylinder was part me.

I reached down and started to push a few buttons on the computer terminal in front of me. I watch carefully as the data pasted in front of my eyes. I watch as the abilities it had how old it was, the color of eyes were, color of hair it had, and a long list of other things what was going on. At the bottom was the one thing I was really looking for. The other persons DNA George had used. When the other DNA strand information came up I looked up at George in complete shook. George ran around the other side of the cylinder to hide from me the second I had read the information. I went back to looking over the data again and started to make a few adjustments to the programming. “George.” I bellowed. He stuck his head out from the other side of the cylinder “Tell me. What type of DNA did you use to create this?”

George came out from behind the cylinder “I used the best type there is from making a person.” I stopped typing stood up straight and crossed my arms over my chest. I was now very interested in how he had gotten these samples. “Look I know you are mad, but it’s the best way to do it.” He came towards me and stopped just on the other side of the computer terminal “Yes I was able to get and used one of her eggs and some of your seaman. That person in there is your child.” He pointed back at the Cylinder.”

“That person...” I pointed over Georges head “in there is my fourteen year old son.”

“WHAT!!!!” George said and jumped over the computer terminal. He started to press buttons and look at the read outs as they came up.

When George jumped over the terminal I backed up, as he started to look over the read outs and data as it came up I walked up and put a hand on his shoulder “Well done my friend. Well done.” George stopped looking at the read outs and turned to face me. That was one of the last things he was expecting me to say “You have give me the one thing in life I have always wanted. A little older then I wished, but none the less I say thank you.” I patted him on the shoulder again.

“But you changed the program. You changed his appearance. Why??” George said in disperse.

“Sorry George.” I said “But I had to, He would have reminded me to much of his mother if I hadn’t.” I rested my hand on his shoulder again “Not to worry my friend this curse I have placed on him like mine can be broken.” George looked at me inquisitively and a little tilt to his head. ‘George I may be a curl man, but everyone had a right to a good live.” I walked past him and back up to the computer terminal “They just need to find there way to it. Myself included.” I hit a button on the computer terminal and the steel cylinder rose up onto the ceiling reviling a class cylinder behind it. It was filled with a violet fulided and a fourteen year old boy floating in it. The Boy was curled up in a ball in the center of the tank. With a few wires attached to his head and feet. He was slowly just bobbing up and down in the fluid.

George turned around to look at the figure “So what are you going to name him?”

“Good question.” I walked around the computer terminal up a small ramp and stood as close to the glass as I could. I t=stood there and watched ass my son bobbed up and down in the violet fluid. George started it work on the terminal as I stood there. I thought of everything he would have to endure and the years of training in which he would have to go through before he would enter the present time stream where still wouldn’t belong. All the fights he would endure because of the way he looked. All the battles he would go through just to live life. Every combat he would be in just because he was my son. I would be there to help support him. To make him into a fighter, into a warrior. I turned to look at George who was working on the terminal to finish some last details “Warrior. I’ll call him Warrior.” George looked up at me and nodded his head and typed a few commands into the computer. “How long before we can start the physical training?”

George adjusted a few interments on the computer in from of him “Give me a few more days to finish the programs and for all the changes you made to take affect.” He looked down ate the new read outs “I would say a week at the most.” I nodded my head and started too walked towards the door “Mac...” George said in a somber tone “This is your son and he will be everything that he should be. Don’t make him a pawn in your game of salvation.”

I Paused as George started to talk “I know George, but right now just finish my son I would like to meet him soon.” I paused took a deep breath to clear my head “and George” I turned around to see him looking at me ‘Life just became more interesting and I just wanted to say thank you.” I turned back around and walked out of the room.
“Your Welcome.”

“Brace teleport. Earth realm.” I said and disappeared.
Ok so there you go now you know more of less how Warrior came into being and wait tell I get to the fight about it later should be fun to read anyway something just to read.
Thanks for all the Fish

Friday, July 16, 2010


Not what I was thinking...
You know I'm Disapoiinted in myself I would think that I would have been much better with coming up with a topic everyday to rant about but you know I just haven't been able to really do it I guess I'm going to have to pull something out of my had do some really studpied stuff on work the other side. because what I have been doing is more then pointless it just straight up boarding. I would have lost intrest more then a mouth ago because I haven't written anything close to intresting expate for the weekend story which I would most likly return to read every weekend and forget the rest. I mean there is little that I have seen that is of any good and the few that I have writen that had any matter to them well let's just say there they are nothing to jump up and down about. I guess I should start to watch the news and see what is going on in the world I know I could come up with a topic that way I just not care for the news it's mostly bad crap and stuff I don't really care about. Like this Mel Gibson thing. How gives a shit the samething happend all the time in L.A. you just don't hear about it everyday because they are not Celeb's so who cares they are just normal people living life and what happens is none of there bussness so how give a shit if Gibson knocks around his wife send his ass to jail and anger managment and call it a day we don't need to hear about it for weeks on end. it's pointless dribble that happens to reguler people everyday we just don't hear about it..
Now a little BP...
Look this shit when on way to long on all a counts and you know after a while I just got tired of it. Yes it's one of the biggest messing made by human in the oceans and the ramifactions are going to be felt for decades if you don't this so your and idot. Look I don't like the way things where handles just like everyone else in the world but you know in the long long long end they finally fix it or at least I think they got a cap on it I may be beyond wrong on this but a news blip I saw yeasterday showed that it was no longer leaking in great amounts, and had stop now Like I said I am most likly wrong on this but hell can we just fix the damn thing and blame someone else a lot later, fix the ocean fix the well and get on with life this crap was handles all wrong from beginning to end and we just need to get it cleaned up and yes the only people to be paying for it should be BP because it is there mess. The U.S. Should not drop one dime/red cent on clean up it might affect us all across the lower us, but we should not be paying to clean it up. it is not our mess.
Staying away from thing..
You know I think I'm going to stop staying away from many of the things I haven't talked about because wither I wanted to do some reaseach to be close to right which I think is taking way to much time and just say what I think on the blips I see and hear. Let me be wrong hell most of the time I usally am and you know if I am tell me and I go off and try and correct myself. I think that is why I am more disappointed in myself then anything else I just don't go off on the little blips I hear because I don't know enough intell on it but you know I have a tenandcy to do it here at home and find out that I was way wrong and well I correct myself so I think that is where I'm going to try and go from now on. Write stuff on as little information as I get during the day and damn if I'm wrong well that great but atleast I would of had a say in the matter and I just might have made you think about something in the end. so let's see what happens in the future and hopfully I will not disappoint myself or anyone else I'll just start pissing people off which would work for me..
Thanks for all the Fish

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Jackson and Gibson

Remember the he is dead....
Ok now it's been a year the dude is dead let's leave him alone come on. I mean he wasn't that good in the first place. Yeah he had a long and OK ceare but guess what he is dead so let's get off this boat. I know there will be remeberance for the dude for years to come and I'll be boarded by that and in fact woundere what the hell are you thinking the guy is dead. can we let him rest. leave him in his grave and don't worry if is hiding out or not with the greats rocker of all time the one and onley KING ELVIS he was and always be the best of the best and I know of at least one person who with really get in a ring and fight me to death that Jackson was better, but Hey we have been fighting this out for years and well do it for more years to come, but we know it's all in fun and I'm right because with out him jackson would be nothing but a dead guy instead of just a really populer dead guy who made a few albums and really brought music video to life and in some cases did more with having his one movie/video being to more like a horror movie then a video and never getting played on Mtv tell much later in life when the public could handle it and Mtv was much older, of couse where are the music video on Mtv anymore these days. way to much show and not enough music. I know there are videos out there that we have seen them.
Ok Now Mel Gibson...
Now what the hell did he do Look I have no clue of what is going on with him and for the most part I don't care. Many peoples live and things like this happen all the time so because it's Gibson we get to hear about it on the news and Goldburg is talking about it and to be honste the only reason I know anything about this is because I opened mt internet broowser and there was this picture of Goldburg and the caption is wooope is still defending Gibson. Look I don't care what the guy did because normal people do it everyday, so go find Joe Smuck and Jane Smuck who are doing the same thing and report on that it'll will be a lot more intresting to me when what ever these guy's are doing who we see all the time. Let's have a show called booked them, but then again don't we enough chessy cop shows on T.V. as it is I mean there is one on mall cops for crying out loud. So let's get off Gibson back and let the celeb's be because it's all bull and reguler people do the same crap everyday.
So get off there backs and stop reporting on it because who cares. they are people too and they have lives and do stupied shit, we don't need to know every little thing that happens in there lifes, so get over it and one guy is dead and the other is a normal person tring to live life...
Thanks for all the Fish