Stuff I think up as the day goes on and just need to say something about. Who care what you think this is just what's on my mind at the time
Thursday, September 30, 2010
the week goes on..

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
MIddle of the week..

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Movie releases

It's here..
Ok so for many years tuesady has been the realese day for new movies ever sence they were released out on VHS and beta, now there is some history for you the Beta max, but that being beside the point for the most point movies where for rent way way back when if you wanted to pay a movie on VHS it was 90bucks or more so the rental companys where everywhere and they where everywhere. You had your mom and pop please which was kind of cool I was part of an mom and pop place for years and it cost me 59.99 for a life time membership and then it was like 2.50 to rent most movies depending on the film. like everything else these days if you got back to the non-new release you can get it a little cheaper, but non the less it was cool and this place was right up the street from my house. and they had everything from kids movies to the Adult films in a back room which you had to go to open and go in that was near the counter so the young ones couldn't sink in get something. You could even researve a film but you would be put on a hand writen list and they would check it as the movies came in every do. Now when I signed up for this place we had a number no scan card or phone number just a straight up number. I was in there on time and checking out this the normal friday night movie before I crossed the street to get dinner. I gave out my number the the person behind me looked at me strange because I had give out this two diget number where when she stepped up to the counter next to me she hand out a large three diget number I was like I have been with this place for years and I do mean years by this point.
The end of mom and pop..
So over the years things have changed and the mom and pop store has died out and even the big chains are starting to die with more and more people buying movies when they come out and then now we have redbox that are a buck a day that you can pick up anywhere and returned anywhere, then you got netflix which for 9.99 you get to rent movies that come straight to your house and the changes of getting a new release is just about the same as going to the store, then you also have the streaming stuff that you can get from netflix an a few other places on the web. so there is no loss of places to get something to watch with all of this the mom and pop store is dieing and going out of bussness, the only thing left for the mom and pop store has left in a town to rent it the adult film, because I have not found a good site or a mail order stuff that rents the big people movies, becuase netflix dosen't do it which is fine with I mean, as much as I am all for the adult industrey place do not have to rent or sell there stuff, it's just nice to have something around where you can get it to rent, but a little more classy and a lot more light they are always blackout hole in the walls becuase of what the cover has on it, but hey that is something to be worked out, another thing to be dealt with is the price of big people movies. On advarge you can buy a reguler movie for 20bucks for dvd and 30for blu-ray where a adlut movie with coast you anywhere from 49.99 to 90.00buck which is insane if you ask me but then again what is where reguler movies started out at, but it can be the life of a mom and pop place if they want to try and stay in bussness in these times, that with a cheap reguler rental of old film at are hard to find could bring things back to life for them. Yoou just need to know what you have and what people want to.

Ok so today was the release date for a few new movies and that big one of the day is Iron man 2. Now I have already run a little review on this film when I say it at the theater. I don't remember that review to tell the truth, but I do remember I thought over all it was a good flix and I was really really really disappointed in the fact they cut a few sceens that you get in the trailer. For one Tony Starks assistant kiss his helmet and then throw it out the back of the plane. The other thing I remember being very disappointed in was the fact AC/DC did not do the sound track for the film almost none of there music was in the film yet they do all the music that is on the soundtrack you buy in the store. so where is the problem I hate when they do things like this, but any way. I was going to buy it today but I thought better of it this week and I think I'll get it next week I want to rent it again, I was goting to get first things this morning from a redbox rental place, but then I remeber I had it on the top of my list for netflix and I thought I shoould check to see if I get it from them first and the answer to that is yes it should be here tomorrow which is cool . I figured if it didn't I would run back to the redbox and get it from them and then take it off my list for netflix, but I can wait the day and get it in the mail tomorrow, and then maybe buy it on monday of next week before the sale of free stuff goes away and yes I'll pay the big money and get the triple pack Blu-ray/DVD/and diggy download. Which I like becuse I get the same film three ways and don't feel that ripped off because I do get three versions of the film one I can take anywhere and then one I can watch anywhere in my room of the house. there you go, Now like anything else this movie has taken over the day so I have no idea what else came out today because it is the big summer movie that is here and they try and make that the film for the week as much a possable like they do when a film hit's the theater they want that film to be the one you go and see when it first comes out. You don't want someone else on you release date ever because it will hurt the bottom line, just ask any Director or production company.
So you have to see the film but remember you have to stay and wait out the credits because there is a peace after the them which you get a small preview of the next film that is to come out of Marvil Thor, but really it's not worth the wait but do it anyway just to see it. The one at the end of the first Iron man movies is a little better but you think they forgot all about that price when they made the flik because they act like it never happened, but hey that is the movies and in sometimes T.V. they for get things that has happend in the pass, but that is what yoou get when you have two diffrent writes or people just not thinking when they do something I know I do try and keep things together when I'm writing out these crazy storys for you this year that we are just a little half way through, so well see what we get..
You shall not pass
Monday, September 27, 2010
Ok monday it is

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sundays Story..

Anikin walked by Warrior he reached out a grabbed him by the upper arm stopping him “Look if you two are going help us I need to know why you don’t like Mac?” He looked Anikin dead in the eye “I don’t want anyone taking out revenge until are problem is solved.” The tension level between the two of them exploded 10 fold of what it had been.
Anikin looked down at Warriors hand then at him “I don’t want to do this?” Anikin said “What is between me and Mr. McK is none of your business.” And he twisted out of Warriors grip “now come inside let’s get something to drink.” Anikin started to walk again, but Warrior quickly grabbed him again this time he spun him around to look at him “Warrior don’t do this. I’m a man of law and justice.” He balanced himself and stood square to Warrior.
“Look I know you’re a man of justice, but I can’t let you and him out there id you’re holding back personal feeling about him. I need to know what you have against my Father.” He squared himself to Anikin “and I’ll do what ever I need to, to find out.”
Anikin stood square to Warrior and looked at him highly around “What is it with your family? Why do you all turn to violence to get your answers?” The tensions in the air relaxed a little then build back up “I don’t want to fight you? It’s not going to solve anything?”
The tension increased in the air once again “Look at me.” Warrior said “Look at me good.” He motioned to his face “I look like this because a woman I care for is here.” He paused ‘Mt father did this to me. He made me look like this way because he had to. Now I don’t hold it against him, I never have and I never will. Now what’s your problem with him?” He pointed and yelled at him.
‘Look Warrior I have known your Father for a long time.” Anikin said in a com voice “and in all those years that we have worked together I have had a lot of problems with your father.” He waved his hand “Now don’t get me wrong he’s a good man as a matter of fact if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be here today.” Anikin paused for just a second to think of all the times we had saved each other “But the problem I have with him is personal something between me and him.” He paused again and motioned to the door “Now can we go and get something to drink. Anikin looked at the broken window to his left “Besides I need to arrange to get this window fixed.”
“Very well.” Warrior said “but we are not done here.” The tension in the air relaxed a bit then increased again “I will get you to tell me what you have against him.”
“As you say.” And Anikin turned and started to head for the door of the bar.
Warrior grabbed hold of Anikin one for time to stop him as he tried to pass by him “Hey it’s important that you get along.” Warrior looked Anikin in the eyes “A woman’s life is at stake here.”
Anikin being a man of great respect for human life and one of the few people in this land that I respected looked Warrior straight back in the eye’s and said with a hint of knowledge of the situation “Then if your cause id just I shall help you on your way.” He shrugged himself free of Warriors grip “But for now we most find out how your Father is doing.” And he finally got pass warrior and made his way into the bar.
Anikin left warrior outside in the night which seemed to grow a little cooler, once Anikin was inside the bar. Warrior looked out into the street to see that it was mostly baron. There where a few people walking in the cool night, but for the most part the streets of the small town where empty. Yet Warrior had this strange feeling that he was being watched.
In this land everything watch’s everything else and now it would appear that the night was watching us. The clouds that hung high in the night sky opened small cracks to have eyes of the night looking down on you. The starts would blink in disapproval or in approval. They would grow brighter as if in shook. The moon that hung in this night sky would brighten or dim itself as if it knows what kind of light to prove. As if it knew what needed to be done to hide people or reveal something important. It seemed that the night sky hand and intelligence what we couldn’t see and now it was watching everything that was happening in this small town.
Warrior was use to having the night watch him. This time it was different some how it was like someone was watching him. Someone he knew someone who was hiding from him high up in the clouds or beyond them. Warrior wasn’t sure what it was. He stepped off the wooden walk way out into the dirt street. He looked up into the clouds covered sky. The clouds had thinned some or the moon had grown brighter, so the light in the night sky was now bright enough you could see through the, Warrior scanned the sky not sure what he was looking for, but he knew something was out there watching him. Warrior stood in the street looking up the sky. He was scanning it looking for a sign of something that something was out there.
Warrior carefully watched the sky. He slowly turned around and around looking for something he knew was there. On his second pass of the full moon he spotted something. A light violet line about two feet long just off to the left of the moon. Warrior stopped and stared at the spot. The light violet spot moved from the left side of the moon to the right side and as it moved it disappeared and reappeared. Once the spot stood still it grew brighter then vanished. “Oh shit. Warrior said “I think we might have a problem.” He turned to face the Bar “Father!!” he yelled.
I stepped out in front of the broken window; in my right hand I held a silver mug in my hand “What?” I yelled.
“I believe we got and eye in the sky.” Warrior pointed up and behind himself “Floating disc with an incredible eye.”
So the story contiues with the small little town and how we all got the little time together. There is always more going on and it's just going to take a lot of time for it all to come out, but as always it needs to work on this is always ruff and it always will be ruff because it will never be finish I just would like to get a little more polish on it so it looks good and this is no where near polished enough. Hey this is just the fun part of the weekend putting dtuff out into the world that might get read some day and the strange and sad part is that they will want to see the rest of it all in one piece because they might want to put it all in a bound book to put it on a store shelf somewhere. What I could use more then this pipe dream is a recording program on my phone that I can talk into all day to get more peices out and on to my computer where it types itself in, but then that would be a voice program which they do have and then the idea to sit down and do it but then again with a voice recording and the voice program I wouldn't need to do it sit down and do it. I just haven't done it.. so enjoy for now
You shall not pass
Saturday, September 25, 2010
It the fair

Friday, September 24, 2010
Fall is here

Thursday, September 23, 2010
it came..

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010
Money change

Sunday, September 19, 2010
Sundays story

“No I’m not. Now can we go inside? I would like to get something to drink.” I stepped up on to the wooden walk way. I now stood even with Anikin and the tension in the air had increased again this time two fold. The electricity in the air was so strong that you could almost see the electricity jump between the two of us as if we were a Jacob’s ladder.
“Yes let’s go inside and talk about this.” Opal said “I want to hear more about this.” She stepped forward and grabbed hold of my hand and started to pull me into the bar.
Anikin stood tall blocking the doorway “I’m afraid I can’t let him in.” his voice was quite but still heavy as he looked down at his wife. “There is a problem with the floor.” He looked up at me “Remember”
O0pal stopped pulling “Oh that’s right.” And she looked back and up at me “Umm we have been having problems of late and we had to do something to the floor.” She looked into the bar and then back to me “Umm let me ask you this?” She paused and gestured for me to come down to her “Has anything changed since we last seen you?” and she started to reach for my right check.
I shot straight up evading her hand and opal touched hit my stomach “No it hasn’t.” I said “How old and how hot is it?” I asked.
Warrior stepped up on to the walkway next to me “What’s wrong?” He asked not sure he fully understood what the problem was.
Anikin looked over at him “About a year ago the land was flooded with vamps.” He looked over to me “The two of us…” he gestured to Opal and himself “…coded the flood with a seal and a few other things to create a safe house.” He paused “it’s now very hot to your father here.’ He gestured to me “I don’t think he’ll be able to walk let alone survive in the bar.” Anikin looked me dead in the eyes “I my not like you much Mr. McK, but I can not have you walk into a death trap.”
“Interesting.” I said “Let me see.” I walked up to Anikin “If you would please I would like to check.” The tension between us was still very high, but Anikin took two steps to his left “Thank you.” I walked up to the out side of the door, but didn’t enter the bar. I could feel the heat of the room from there. I bent down and pasted my left hand over the floor feeling a great amount of heat coming from it “Oh that is hot.” I said standing up and turning around “How old is this?” I pointed to the floor.
“About a year, no more I would think.” Opal said and looked over at Anikin “That about right wouldn’t you say?”
“Yes that is correct.” Anikin said
“Wow you two have grown.” I looked over at Anikin “Well now why don’t we try this.” I put out my right hand “If you two would please.”
Anikin stepped forward and grabbed my right for arm; Opal stepped over and placed her hand gently on top of mine. A few second after Opal set her hand on top of mine smoke started to rise from under her hand. From under Anikin’s thigh grip smoke and the smell of burnt flesh could be seen. “How much longer Opal asked in a voice of concern?”
“Not much longer.” I looked down at there two hands and the smoke coming out from under them “I’m going to be feeling this for a few days I can tell you that.”
Opal tightened her grip on my hand “It’s going to be ok.”
“Ya but you wont have to live wit the burn marks for a little while.” Anikin relaxed his grip ever so slightly “That should be more then enough.” The two of them relaxed there grips and pulled there hands off of me. High up on my for arm where Anikin had grabbed was a deep burn mark of his palm and figures. The burn was good and clean, you could make out the finger prints in my flesh if you looked close enough. Where Opal had laid her hand on top of mine that burn wasn’t as bad, but you could still see that someone hand was burned into my flesh. You could barely make out her finger prints in the palm of my hand “Well shall we give this a try.” I started to walk towards the door.
Warrior called after me “you sure that this is going to work?’ he looked over at both Opal and Anikin “I mean these two don’t look to be two cool. No affiance.” He knotted to them.
“None taken.” They both said and Opal leaded back against Anikin as if he was the wall.
I stopped right at the doorway “don’t worry.’ I said “and Opal and Anikin are anything but cool.” I paused for a second “As a mater of fact by the feel of this floor they are very hot.” I looked down at my feet “Hup..” and I lifted a good two inches of the ground “Now I need something to drink.” I stepped into the bar.
Opal looked up at Anikin “Come on.” And she slapped him in the chest “Your buying.” She stood up and walked into the bar after me.
Anikin looked over at Warrior “Well at least his shoes won’t melt. I just hope he doesn’t over heat and burn up now.” He shook his head “Do you suffer from the same condition as your Father does?” Anikin asked in a flat tone.
Warrior turned to face Anikin “No I don’t” He paused looking at Anikin over “What is your problem with my father?’ Tension in the air started to build between the two of them. Anikin rebalanced himself and placed his hands behind his back “I know it’s got nothing to do with the evil in this land.” Warrior looked out into the street then back at him ‘And it could never have anything to do with Opal. She never cared about a thing besides hunting, drinking and you.’ He pointed at Anikin “So tell me what it is? What personal grudge do you have against my father?”
Lights started to go out up and down the street as people started to go back into there hotel and houses to try and get a good nights sleep. Anikin stood there looking at Warrior Anikin was six inches taller then him, but the two where built almost the same. Anikin pondered the question for a must a full minute and then said in a strong deep voice he posed “none of you business?” He stepped towards Warrior as if to go into the bar “Come on in.” Anikin said “it would appear that I’m buying tonight.’ The tension level dropped a bit, but was still high as Anikin started to head into the bar.
You know there is nothing like spending the day out with your family then coming home and writing something on the net for people to read just for the fun of it and you still know I'm not done with this part of the story for you. I'm sending it out in small part just so I have stuff to make it through the rest of they year. I keep knocking things down and the larger they are the less and less I have for you to read as the year goes on. as much as fun as this if I run out of things for you to read well then that ends the story weekend and this is something I think works nice as long as I have stuff to go on. it keeps you running around not really knowing where I'm going to be coming from and which book you are getting and in most case as you have seen over the pass little while it's book two only becuase I look over book one and don't see anything I want to write out for you it needs lot's more work then I thought and there just isn't enough of book three to give you. I' working on that one way to slow.
You shall not pass
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Saturday's Story

The fight inside the bar lasted about ten minutes and when it was all done and over with there was a total of nine bodies in the street and two hanging over the broken window. All of which were unconscious. A woman standing four foot eight and half inches walked out from behind the window wiping her hands together.
With the light behind her I couldn’t make out her face or her eyes but I knew the hair was long and followed back behind her. The hair would stop just below the middle of her back. Her eyes would be a sharp green, that when she looked at you it would appear they would be looking into you. From where Warrior and myself where sitting you could almost see the light reflecting off them as she pushed the two bodies the rest of the way out of the window.
Once the bodies were out of the window and laying on the wooden walkway she looked up and saw Warrior and myself sitting down across the street. “Boy’s” She yelled in a sweet voice. It sounded as if it had come from an angle; instead it had come from this young woman. She stepped out or really climbed out thought the broken window and stood on the walkway and said again in that sweet angle like voice she had “Boy’s.” and she opened her arms wide as if to give us a hug “what are you going here.” Warrior and I got up from where we were sitting and brushed ourselves off “It’s been to long.”
The two of us looked at each other as we stood us not sure what to expect. We started to cross the dirt street as she jumped down off the other wood walkway and head towards. Warrior turned his head to look at me as we walked out into the center of the street to meet her “Do you know who she reminds me of?”
I looked at Warrior for a brief second “who?’
By this time the three of us had come together in the center of the street. The young woman looked up at me and then without any hesitation punched me square in the stomach. I doubled over and she gave me an upper cut that stood me back up and then knocked me over flat on my back “It’s good to see you.” She said
I looked over at Warrior “You where saying?”
Warrior watched the whole thing happen and was looking at me as I was laying in the middle of the dirty street flat one my back. He looked over at the short young woman in front of him “Hi Opal.” He looked back at me “Jane.” He paused for a second “I was going to say that she reminded me of Jane.” And he reached down to give me a hand up.
‘Ya I can see that.’ I reached up to grab Warriors hand and start to stand back up. Once I was on my feet again I walked over to the short young woman and I stood as tall as I could towering over top of her. I stared down at he with as much anger as I could get, clinching both of my hands into fist and in one quick move I bent down and picked her up. I gave her a huge bear hug “Hi dear.’ I said in a cheery voice “how you doing?”
The young woman put her arms around my neck as I swung her around. I held her in my arms as one might hold a two year old. I stop spinning and looked over to the bar to see a new person was standing just outside the door. The person stood six feet two half inches tall; there hair was black and lay just below the shoulders. There eyes where a crystal blue that looked at us with a sepsis stair. The person was dressed in a white ruffled shirt and a pair of brown breaches. A necklace hung from his neck with a pendant on it. The pendant was a fist holding on to a lighting bolt with scales at either end, the symbol of the god of law and justice.
With the young woman still in my arms I walked towards them, I came to the edge of the wooden walkway and stopped right in front of them. They took a step forwards in to the light so I could see his face a little better and the tension in the air increased ten fold “Would you please set down my wife Mr. McK!” I looked at the woman hanging on my and then care fully set her down on the walkway ‘Thank you. Now what are you doing here?” He looked past me to see Warrior still standing in the middle of the street “Both of you?”
Standing Square on my feet I looked at the man in front of me. The tension in the air between the two of us was so thick one could feel the electrity “A beer” I said in a stern voice “and to talk.”
“MMM.” He mound out “You have never been one to talk Mr. McK.” The man balanced himself and placed his hands behind his back “So you have come here for a beer and too talk, to me or to my wife.”
“Both” I said sternly “I need to talk to the both of you.” I turned to look back at Warrior. Warrior nodded to me and started to walk towards us “The two of us…” I turned back to look at the man standing in front of me “… could use your help.”
“WOW really...” Opal’s sweet voice broke in cutting down the tension two fold, but you could still feel the electrity almost flowing through the air “that’s something new.’ And she stepped in between the two of us. The tension in the air cut down two fold again.
“Ya I know.” I said not really believing it myself “but I could use your help.” I looked down at Opal “Can we go inside and I’ll explain everything.’ I looked up at the mad standing a good two feet taller and behind Opal.
Opal looked back and up at him “Say yes Anikin.” And she elbowed him in the stomach so hard you could hear the thud as she hit him, but Anikin just stood there looking at me “This is Mac.” She said in a happy voice to see us and knowing I wanted her help as she gestured to me “The one and only Mr. McK if it wasn’t for this man…”
Anikin broken in at this point “… if it wasn’t for this man.” His voice boomed out into the night air “If it wasn’t for this man, we wouldn’t have half the evil in this place.” He looked down at his wife and then back up to me “This man is the reason why for over ten years we we’re not together.” Anikin pointed a heavy figure at me as his booming voice grow louder “he is the very reason why I had a hard time sleeping for the past three years. This man is the cause of everyone’s problems here.” His voice was now so loud lights in house and apartments down the street started to come on and people were starting to come out into the street up and down the street. “This man is the reason for everything here and over the past year and a half things have been getting worse. Ever since that castle of his returned to the land.” He jabbed his figure at me “Why in the name of Gile would I want to help him.”
“Because I plain on closing all the gates and locking up the castle for all time.” I said simply.
Opal looked up at me “Your kidding right.” Her angle voice came singing out into the night.
You know over the years I have writen my stories in peices and this peice and a few others that are coming soon are some of the eariliest ones I wrote so they don't fit in just right of course many of the pieces don't fit right but that is part of the thing of writing them out like this is to try and see what I got and how to get them to come together. In many cases I find out how bad some peices are and that I really need to rewrite them, but then again it's all for entertainment and nothing is beyond getting together in one book or three in this case and seeing a real bookshelf for sale.
You shall not pass
Friday, September 17, 2010
History and people

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Thursday rain

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
fall is coming

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
where to go from here
Monday, September 13, 2010
Monday sucks...

Sunday, September 12, 2010
sundays story

Yes I do put on and ware this $70 T-shirt that I had made many years ago. I like it and it's of couse one of a kind because I had it made form the story line of Nick Fury VS S.H.I.E.L.D. and I have never gotten any coments on it which kind of disappointing because I thought I would get a least one when I wasn't take a comic con.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Saturdays Story

As all of this was happening on the outside I was laying flat on my back inside the mountain. The ship had crashed into the side of one of the mounds and kept going. The one that it had crashed into held some kind of flower garden and it had basically landed right in the middle of it. The crash had caused it to send spores up into the air where they caught the winds and started to spread across the country side. The spores would spread out over the barren waste land and start too grown. The spores would flow across the whole planet until they had covered the entire planet. They would reseed the plant and start to bring it back to life, but it would also do something else. It would alert another group of aliens that are looking for these flowers.
I opened my eyes and watched as the spores went forth through the opening in the roof that the mother ship had made. They rose up out of the cavern and joined with the already raising black smoke that was caught up in the winds. I could see the spores floating out across the country side and the rest of the badly scorched earth. “Ahh SHIT!!” I yelled and grabbed my shoulder ‘Brace what’s the damage? Next to my shoulder and leg.”
“Well the computer said trying to sound analitcal “Your jeans are ripped in nine different places and your bleeding from all of them…”The brace beeped as it got more information “…You’ve got several cuts on your chest and back, two bullet wounds that haven’t hurt yet” There was a brief pause as if the brace need to catch it’s breath “plus you have five cracked ribs and two broken ones and you have dislocated your right knee.”
“great.” I grabbed hold of the wall and started to pull myself up to a sitting position. Once I was up into a sitting position I fell back against the wall and looked out over the large flower bed. There were huge chucks of the mother ship in it. The chuncks had sent flower pedals and spores up into the air. “Well, let’s see if I can get up.” I planted my hand on the dirt covered ground and pulled my legs back until, they where under me. Then with a lot of help from the wall behind me, I started to with my legs until I came to a standing position.
As I was pushing on my right knee it gave a loud snapping, cracking and finally a really loud popping sound which sound like a gun shot as it reset itself. I yelled “AAA HHH SSSHHHIIITTT!!!!!” all the way up the wall in complete pain. I tried not to yell to loud, which was almost imposable I didn’t want anyone who might have been on the outside of the mound to hear me, but I had to take the chance. It hurt almost as bad as being hit by a Mack truck. When I was finally up and standing I placed my hand over my ribs and slowly started to walk, no not walk stagger is more like it out of the mound. There was a cave just off to my left hand side, and I could see people had come through it before. I was badly staggering and almost fell over every five steps if it wasn’t for the wall helping to hold me up. There wasn’t much left of the mound after the ship had crashed into it. I was lucky that this cave was still open and I was hoping it was clear all the way through to more open air.
Outside the mound Warrior was pacing back and forth. He was also digging through the smoking rubble and fallen rock. He was not happy with me and wanted to try and find me if I was alive and most likely try and kill me. Warrior was so upset he was throwing things so far that he was crushing bush that had caught fire when the ship had crashed. He was try to think of any reason why I would have ridden the ship all the way down and throw the crash, when all of a sudden the Lieutenant looked up at him as he picked up another huge rock. She was sitting down on a small hill with her hovertank, just off to her left side. She had become tired of searching for me and was now trying to think of a reason why I would do something like this and how she could kill me when they finally found my body if they found my body. “What was that?” She said when she looked up at Warrior.
Warrior looked over at her and tossed the rock that he had picked up off to the side “What?” he paused to listen “I don’t hear anything?”
“Shh!!” She waved her hand for him to be quite “Listen.” The Lieutenant pointed up into the air. She started to get up from where she was sitting. You could see she was really listening for something.
The Warrior Maidens looked at one another and then over at the Lieutenant. The two of them then said at the same time “Ya we hear it now.”
Blackjack spun on the spot “Ya I hear it too now.”
“What!!!” Warrior stomped frustrated “What do you hear?” He yelled out. He then paused as if he finally heared something “Wait…” He spun around “I hear it now.’ He started to look around trying to locate where the sound was coming from “It music.” Warrior turned around again “and it sounds like it’s getting louder.”
I stood at the end of a large hole in the side of the mound leaning agaist the wall. There were all kinds of broken stalactites and stalagmites in and around the mouth of the cave they where cover in smoldering foliage. The entrance to the mound was no more then about ten feet away from them “Ya.” I said and almost fell out of the cave entrance “It is one of my favorite pieces…” I paused to catch my breath and my footing “…it is called the Raider March.” The Lieutenant spun around to look at me “It’s from an old movie called Raiders of the lost Ark.” Warrior spun on his heels, Blackjack and the Warrior Maidens slowly turned to look at me. The Warrior Maidens smiled when they saw me and Blackjack folded his arm across this chest.
I stood there with my left arm holding my right side and my right arm against the wall holding me up “So who’s still mad at me?” I took my right hand off the wall and slapped myself across the chest a couple of time “Please raise your hand.” Dust came flying up into my face. I waved the durst away and blew it out of my noise to see the Lieutenant running towards me.
Once the Lieutenant saw me, she started to run towards me. By the time she got to me she was running at full speed. I was barely standing when she slammed into me and hugged me. When she impacted with me dust went flying up and everywhere “Boy am I glade to see you alive.’ She let go backed up a step or two and slapped me across the face, paused and then hugged me again. Dust flew up and around us one more time,
I groaned as the Lieutenant grabbed hold of me “Please Lieutenant.” I paused to catch my breath “I have a few broken ribs and you know me. I’m not one for hugging. ”I paused, feeling a couple of the cracked one break “And I’m in a lot of pain so if you don’t mind…” I started to push her back with my right hand and slump against the wall.
“Huh oh ya.” She said sarcastically “you’re the man with out any feelings.” And she let go backed away and slapped me again.
You know you almost didn't get a story tonight, because it was one of those ruff days where the morning went fine but the afternoon was very bumpy so I was going to give a short rant on nothing really, but I found this short piece I could try and type out real fast and it still too to long and isn't all here, but I found a nice place to stop for the night so I can try and get some rest. a nice quit night which isn't going to come untill later, but hey at lest i got the short out for tonight. Enjoy this little confusing piece and I'll try and get the last little and I do mean little part later to you.
You shall not pass