Sunday, February 28, 2010

Olympic hockey game

USA Loses...
Half of my house is happy The US Hockey team lost and the Snowbacks (Canadan hockey team) Won GO Canada Go Canada.. The sad part is that I was waiting tell later tonight to watch the game so I didn't watch it and stayed away from the computer and watched season two of the reaper but once the game was over a friend called me and said congats, I had no idea what they where talking about till i looked at the time it was just about time for the game to be over I said No No I was tring to watch it later, but they said congats again and hung up I was not happy. So the US are the BIG LOSERS of hte olympics or are they..
IN the end for hockey..
Yes Canada won (YEAH GO BOY'S) but we really didn't win more then tie the seris 1-1 because we lost the first match up so we need to have a third game to see who is the better team, the best 2 out of 3 as it where. We just get to keep the gold medles because the US are the big losers of the games. Hee Hee, we win the gold and you get to go home with the second place silver Canada is the big winner no matter how many metals you take home we got the gold so there you go Hand you head low and head south back to you country and stay out of our game, just because most of the NHL teams are here in the US the Game belongs to us, You guy's have that boring Baseball which really isn't even in the summer game it's softball what is that about and has the US ever won the gold ther I have no idea I just know tonight the u.s. LOST to CANADA and they look like they got there butts handed them at the awards (HEE HEE LOSERS) You know us snowbacks we are peaceful people but you don't try and take what is ours away we will fight you for it and win.
It's all in fun..
Just remember it's all in fun. I live here in the u.s. and I think it's a great country, you just picked a bunch of losers for a hockey team this year. I do so like to make fun because the other half of my house is upset that the better team won tonight and that would be team CANADA. once again that is tonight on any given day on any given night anyone can lose it was just team u.s.a. to be the BIG LOSERS tonight and in this case they are the BIG BIG LOSERS. now if the game had gone the other way I might not we going on about it but it didn't team u.s.a. where the losers tonight and I get to make fun and remeber thats all I'm doing is making fun because if CANADA (Yeah Boy's) had lost tonight (but we didn't that was team u.s.a.) I would be making fun of tonight and most likly for the next couple of days until I have seen everyone I know so I think the other side of my house can take a little bit of being made fun of at least for tonight. plus I get to get my CANADAN jersy out of the closet again and wear it just this time with great pride because team u.s.a. lost
Just remember I make fun and thats all it is and I do think a game three should be played

Saturday, February 27, 2010

it's sat..

Way to much..
You know I got so much to do in such a few hours today I just don't know where to start and the sad part of it all is that I need to wait for the dryer to finsh before I can really do anything and then it's going to be a lot in just a couple of hours before I need to run out the door to get together with a goup of people to head out on to a camp out which I have been looking forward to. Yeasterday was just a long day and today is going to be just as long. it's just going to be a long weekedn because when I get back it's going to be time to start to gutt my house moving everything or most of it out and start preping for the new floor that is comming in just over a week the next week or two are going to be get fun and little rest I'm going to be sore and in pain and enjoying alomost every mintue of it throwing fitts throwing things acrosss the room finding thing that I had lost and seeing what can be thrown out this is what you would call the purging of a house where stuff get's thrown out because you don't remember why you keep it. so I need to run around for the next two weeks and if i con't find something to rant on about then I don't know what this is going to turn in to. Then again I have no idea what this is to be..
This project..
This ranting project is to get something off my mind and sometimes i just don't have anything there or forget what is bugging me untill much later so the way this is going to go I'm not sure. it's got a ruff start and it's going to be ruff for a little while longer untill I finally got a handleon what it is I'm tring to do and say and in the future I know I'm going to have things to say that are noting going to sit will with anyone including me because they just are not going to sound right the way that I write them out, but then I'm not going to really care if you got something to say say it that is your right and your freedom and I above all other like to here what people have to say even if I don't like what they are saying, just because it make me think about it even if i think they are wrong and what to ask questions to get at the basic of what they are thinking.. so I say let's bring it on a piss off as many people as we can so we have something to talk about, but that just it talk about it there is no reason to go any futher you believe one thing and I another and we have to know that we both are wrong and both are right and just talking about our point of views is all that we need do learn what other think and this is what I think not always what I believe just what what I think at the time I'm for ever changing what I think and know because I'm forever learning something new about something.
the more you know the better off you should be that is not always true. Sometimes the dummeryou are the better off you are, I know a little about a lot of stuff and that menas i can learn more about those things and I'm willing to learn more about other things, but in something things I know net to nothing and need to learn it and learn it fast the problem being is i don't want to do it because it's not all that inresting to me.. I'm watching a history chanle show call life after people and learning all new and intresting things but at the same time it rasies a bunch of questions on what is going to happen. you got to be will to learn and ask questions and things that are out there and question those who say they know everything about something. so you can get more knoweldge on it that is what it's all about, from the person who knows it all that way you have a better understanding of what it is.. Go learn something you have no knoweldge over and have some fun

Friday, February 26, 2010

Coffee again

It's late...
It's really late and it's been a long day, I got up and started the day slowly I went out and got Coffee insted of making it this morning I drove 15mintues to get a cup of joe come home and then made breakfast what does that say about the power of coffee and the people that make it so good that we are willing to drive 15mintues in are PJ's to get coffee then come home and make breakfast that is 30mintues to get something to wake us up so we can get along with the rest of the day. We drive half asleep to a small little hutt in the middle of a parking lot to get a cup of joe so we can wake up to make breakfast at home, that is way to scary, but to me it was worth it just because I wasn't in the mood to make the pott of joe at home and I need gas for my car anyway, but the said part is that the gas station that was by the coffee hut was closed so I got coffee and had to go to another gas station later that day one that was only a mile from the house instead of 5 sad isn't it..
Coffee on a timer...
In most cases i like to make my coffee the night before and set it on a timer so the sweet smile of it wakes me in the morn but I haven't done it of late just because I have been tring to cut back on my coffee intake so a cup of joe every now and then is all I do but it's been a long day and I think I'm going to need it tomorow so I'm going to make on tonight and have it ready bright and earily for me because tomorrow has go a lot of things happening and I know I'm going to need it a big old pott is going to be ready for me first thing in the morn and I'm going to drink the whole think bso I know I'm not going to have good control over my hands. when I drink to much coffee my hand have and tendace to start to shake and it works it's way up my arms and It's only ever gotten to my cheast plate once in all the time that I have been drink coffee which hasn't been that long on the past 15 years or so a good friend of mine got me to first drink it when I was about 22 or 23 he took me to a coffee house when they where just starting up and got me a coco latte I had no idea what it was but it was good and from then on it was just a little here and there I have only really been drinking coffee for the past 10 years at the most. pretty much sence I move up here to washington the weather here is cool and coffee is nice and warm help keep you from getting to cold inside. Now like everyone else I use it to keep me awake and to wake up guess I'm starting to catch up..
Good old coffee hutts..
Those coffee hutts that you see in shopping places are the best the drive through so you never have to get out of your car and the women that are in them when they open that window and that cold air hits them you just can't but help and look at the cheast to see what shows up and here be have binki ones so the ladies are not wearing much in the first place, Now I have never gone to one of these (and that is the truth) as a matter of fact I never really went to any of the coffee hutt till this new one opened and was giving away free coffee all day long I gave it a shot and I have been going to that one ever sence, no point in going anywhere else, so go to your favorite coffee hutt and enjoy it because it's that coffee you are going to get up spend 15mintues to drive to and then go home and make breakfast for. intresting way to start the morning but at least it's there...
Go and enjoy your coffee no matter what the time it it's bad for you but what the hell you got to have it...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

a Book review

Something new..
Eariler we had a a movie review and now a book review which will not be much of one because I', still only on page 140 of the book. I got the book the day that it came out about 45mintues after the store opened at 7am so I have had it for sometime and I haven't gotten that far into it for some reason this story is not holding my intrest as much as the Da Vinci Code and Angles and Demons did and I'm not sure why. Dan brown is a good writier I have readed both the Da Vinci Code and Angles and demons and I like them both, but then they where the Illistered versions of the book and that migh make a little bit of a defreance you could turn the page and see what he was talking about or it was right there at the bottom of the page. That might be my problem with this I can't see what he is talking about. so I can't really say if this is a good book or not because I'm just not done with it but I am going to work my way through it. I think it'll pick up because if I remember right the other to books with langdon were a little slow to start and Digtal Fortess took a few chapters before it really got going. Now I have not read digtal Fortess I have just listed to it on CD/MP3 I had a job where I worked alone alot so I Hide my MP3 played inder the sleave of my shirt and listened to books on tape for a while. I went through at least 7books in the tinme that I worked for that company before they cut all there people in Washington.
I really don't have much to say but it's a slow start for me and I don't want to give anything away like I'll bo with the Potter books which I did as a book/movie review so in truth this would be the second book review I have done. any way I like langdon he is a human with a few falts that we see from the begainning in all the books he has progresed in this thinking from book to book and he keeps gowrning in new ways. He is a diffrent thinker andf I think that is what I like about him the most he see things throw the eyes of what they where and not what everyone see's today and to me that is very importen. I find the true meaning in things and remember that not what people see. I look at people for who the are not what they are because to me that is more inporten them anything else and I believe landgon does the samewhen he see's something that is right infront of him he see's the orgenal not the twisted thing that it has become.. that is one of the thing that I look forward to as I read through this book is what is there and the truth behind what is there and not what you see.
It's a story around the truth...
Now let's remember the most importen thing with the Langdon book's IT'S A STORY of fiction that Dan Brown has made up. He has taken real things and placed them in to a fictional story and twisted things to the way he see's it. Like every one does in there. THE WINNER WRITES THE HISTORY BOOKS, in this case Dan Brown has write a story and insteaded of making stuff up he is using real place and meaning tha are there to push his story forward, but remember it's just a STORY it's not real unless you want it to be in which case the movie Titanic is a reall story and Jack did die in the end. Believe what you want to take the facts that are true in the story and learn something about it go find out the rest of the history don't go running to find Documentories on it because that's going to have a slent in which way the produces what it to, go to the book's and read everything and then make up your mind on something, look at the last Supper for youself and think is it possable look at the Path could it be true, by Dans point of view it is so now you go look and make your opion, but remember IT'S A STORY a piece if FICTION if you don't want to believe it don't but then again it's not real just like Star wars isn't real nor is Harry Potter They are stories that we all like and enjoy so read it and enjoy the story because that is what it's for., but you can also learn something from it..
Learning from Fiction..
Dan Browns Books are Fiction we all know that, but there is truth in them by the art and places that he show us, and you can learn a few things from them. I learned a few things when I read Angles and Demons I say the possablity when I read the Da Vinci Code (Of couse I liked to look at Da Vinci art work anyway this just gave it a new way of doing so) So you can see that even with the story being complete Fiction now of what happens is realy you can learn that these place are there and that the possablity of something hiding or being hiden are there the art work and be looked at a new way which make it more intresting or you can find the true meaning of a symbol or too.
THE ture meaning
One of thing that get's me is that Hate people get them they see the swastica, because Hitler used it as his symbol, guess what he used it because one of it's meanings what that of power and he wanted that to show the work and the world has turned it into a symbol of hate which just piss me off to no ends. The next thousand generation are going to grow up thinkning this. which is wrong on more levels then I could ever know, but it's something we have been doing for more years on so many things that I can't stand it much and every now and then i have to stand up and try and tell the truth which get's me in more trouble then I care to think about. I have had more people throw things at me for tring to tell them the reall meaning of something because they had no idea what they where talking about and they insteaded that they where right and I was telling them that they where so off base and wronmg it wasn't funny. You have to Learn the truth behind something before you can form a complete opion on soemthing like a symbol before turning into something it's not and that is what has happened wit the Swastica. Hitler knew what it was and used it for his symbol of power and it go turned in to the symbol of hate that it is today.. WE SUCK don't we for not understanding the truth..
WE ALL SUCK BUT GO FIND THE TRUTH AND BELIEVE WHAT YOU WANT FROM THAT after all we are human for what ever that matters to some and have faith in us all

Quick movie review

A Quick movie review...
Something that might come in hand every now and then a movie review today we got Zombieland, the first question is what kind of movie is this.. because the plot is weak and there isn't even killing to go anywhere with and so it can be put in with the rest of the zombie movies. Is it sad to say that we can have action, drama, comdey, horror and Zombie movies at the type of movies we have.
Now the movie itself..
Now the movie itself isn't that great the plot is very weak there is very little killing of zombies and there are almost no breast in the movie (but that's been missing for horror movies for years) I watch this thing at 11:30 last night and still got a good nights sleep and zombie movie along with any good horror movie should keep you up and or wake you up a few times during the night, this one nothing sleeped really good as a matter of fact. Guess it's time to go bacl to the slasher films might get some breast in those film. I don't know Zombieland was not a great movie it wasn't even a good film, but it wasn't a bad film either. I can't even say if your in the mood for a good blow them up film this one would work because there isn't even enough killing in it for that, a few chace scence here and there and kill a zobie here or there but nothing to get worked up about. The Acting is well acting for what they had to work with I'm mean not a lost to go one with no real hey this is where I'm going or what I do for a living now. So there is no real reason to see this movie unless you are trying to see every woody harason movie in which ok. He was not bad in this. in the end there is no real reason to see this film but if you want to go ahead just don't expect much from it it guess you can say it's a Zombie film what ever that means...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The States Again

Still going..
hey I said I would get back to something so here we go again with the states a program done on the history chanle. It's fun to watch to see what little facts they give on thing and how they change other things to make all the states look good and you want to go there and see what they show or even live there. I'm still watching the 10 part show I'm on part 9 right now in eight they did north dekota and in part 9 they do south. did you knwo that every year there is a bill set to the congress to get the north removed from the name. much like in washington they send a bill to split the state in two to create a 51 state. but with the dekotas you have two stats allowed into the union on the same day and the paper work is so paper shuffled that you don'tknow which one was let in first which make it intresting, but like I said the first time how much of a state can you really get in 7mintues. the show is still good and you should take the time to sit down and watch it you learn a little something about each state here in the U.S. like missous was really a square and kept changing over the next 10years to get what we have today mainly on the part of david corccit and some other guy who owned a lot of land after a midland earthquick destoried much of the area he later bought up. good bussness man if you ask me but let's finsh the show and see what we get..
War of 1812 and the battle of new orlands..
Ok what makes this fights so intresting besaides it's one of the few battles the U.S. wins during the war of 1812. the battle is fought once the war is over and andwer Jackson is called a big hero and does a lot with this one victory including becoming president of the u.s. but hey if you can work with it then go for it it's just that very forget the war was over or almost over when this battle is fought and if i remember the U.S. got it's butt handed to them, they lost this war like nothing else at the time so it just go to show you that history is told from the prosped of who ever rights it to make it look good, the U.S. to some degree takes pride in the fact that they got there butts kick at pearl harrbor..
U.S. Get there butt kicked
The U.S. can be called the come back kid and takes pride in getting there butts handed to them. Back to pearl.. The U.S. for the most part was suprise and got creamed by japan at pearl which of couse pissed very one off and they came back. They got a big suprise with 9/11 (of couse I think Bush let it happen he just didn't think it was going to be that bad) in both cases the U.S. got pissed off and start kicking some butt, but the it takes a Butt Kicking to piss them off and get into something that might mean something. Now with 9/11 we didn't win because they didn't get the guy who did it, but they did kick some butt on the other side of the world. Now with pearl they jumped in took a few more butt kicking but in the end kick the crap out of everyone, but then they said here catch this H bomb and we got more so they made and used bigger and better weapons then the other guy. With 9/11 they really didn't do that I think if they dropped more H-bomb and showed that we do have they and not afraid to us they it would be a much diffrent world. If you got it use it. Look I'm not much for war but if you are going to do it do it right. they drew a knife you drew a gun if they send one of yors to the hospital send one of thers to the morgue. always take it to the next step just don't start it.Just finsh it and finsh it right and big. The U.S. Got there butt's handed to them at pearl and they said "oh no you didn't" They where staying pretty much out of world war two tell then.
For now..
For now don't piss the u.s. off and if they do get pissed off I think they should use the heavy weapons and bomb the carp out of who ever does it. He's and H bomb and if they are in a cave of some kink here have a mini-nuke. a pocket nuke that can be thrown like a grande. would be fun way to take out of few of those cave in the desart the colapes take care of any real rediation that might come out and if you didn't get the guy well try again and hope he learned his lession the first time and know that they are comming for them. Remember the U.S. can take pride in getting there butt kicked but they also come back in a big way just remember pearl..

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I got Nothing Again

The end of the day....
You know there are going to be days like today and have been in the past of far that nothing is going to really get to me or I just can't find a topic to go off on. Like today I'm just here to say I got nothing.
I Been running around doing all kind of things and harly been home, in the next two weeks I'm going to be getting a new floor put in and it's going to coast way more then I want it to and I'm doing secondey prep work for it so I don't have much to Rant on and on about. I haven't even see the five bitchy ladies because they changed the station at the GYM to ESPN and CNN and now tha I found my I-pod which is video capbble there is no reason to watch/read that stuff well riding a bike for 40 minutes. It's been a nice day even with the rain and cool weather, Of couse the last few day's it's been cold, had to scapr my car at 9am before going anywhere but with the cloud cover it's warmed up and the rain late today it's been a nice day all the way around even if I haven't been home much today.
The Challenge of the chanlleng...
Over the next few weekd it's going to get intresting to see what shows up on sat we should have an earily morning rant because i have a camp out and willl not be home tell late sunday night so you'll must likly see something late sunday after the earily morning rant on saturday can't wait to see what I come up with for that Might find something to hold over from firday night the gole as some remember is to at least find and go off about one thing a day before midnight even if that thing is nothing at all if you read yeah if you don't ok like I have said before it's not for you it's for me to just find something and throw it out there and let it be, but you know what I might do on a few which really will not be rants are post a story or peices of one that I'm working on just to find it somewhere else beside on paper under my desk or staright out of my head..
The Story..
An Idea that just poped in to my head as I was writing it something I have beenwriting for over run for it over 20years and got no where because I could (a) never finsh it and (b) find and publish/editor to tell me what was wrong with it beside ripping of a few things I watch at the time of writing it. so maybe you can read some of it and tell me what you think like you really read it stuff of couse it's only been here for 23 days and no one read this stuff that fast so by the time anyone get here I'll be lost to the four winds and there will still only be me just like I had plain and maybe one other just because I have a few friends in the world I think..
Good night and Good luck because it'as been a nice day rain and all

Monday, February 22, 2010


In three parts until more are made.
Robotech a Toons seris done in the mid-eighties in short a soap opra for kids or young adults. I would watch it everyday and have a VCR recording each show to watch again and again when I get a changes. The Show was broken into three parts the Macross seris the Roboteh masters and the new generation. Each part happen taking many yeaars between each show, now each one of the seris has been changed from the it's orgenal form with peices missing and names being changed. Changing name is most standered they became english names so we could knew and prononce them. the missing peice for t he most part mean nothing unless you know that they are not there. You can now find a the uncut seris at your best buy or through next flix under macross the orgenil name for the show. you have Macross the name of the big ship for the first seris. The southern cross for the second and the third was I can't remember now but it was the new generation. Robotech total 85 show in all and in a smal part hold your intrest.
Part 1 Macross..
The beginning to the whole story start with the SDF-1 crashing on the earth which is in the middle of one of it stupied wars. It pretty much put's it stop to the war and bring mankind together in the fright of an alien attack. It jumps from the landing to ten years later when the ship is restored and new alien ship show and the SDF-1 on it's own fires on the appoching ships and everything go wrong from there because humanity is a very stupied thing and will not talk. Fight first and talk later that would we us. In the end we all die and humanity sovrives by a handful of people on the SDF-1
Part 2 The sourthen Cross
second part of the story takes place 15 years or more later. The main cast has left the earth in of the orginas of the SDF-1 and we are left with an small and based army head by a hot headed admilra that hate any and all aliens, but our story really goes around the 15th armored tactical devition which is head up by a young upstart women. once again we fire on an alien race coming to earth to find what they had lost and what the first war was over. in the end they all die and the earth is once again destoried by hot heads..
Part 3 New Generation..
This is our last piece where an alien race has taken over the earth and are hareveting a plant that can to the earth on the SDF-1 and scared across the earth at the send of the second War. A new generation come back to earth to remove the alien thret and get's destoried leaving a few people alive. our story goes around a single person who lives through the attack and get a small band of people together to get to the aliens main base somewhere in what is left of north amaerica. in the end the aliens leave with millions dead and humanity crawling out of the great mess that they had made.
Short and sloppy..
That was very shory and slopppy look at the three parts, but you have to see it to get the human part of the story inbetween all the fighting there is very much a human part of the story a part that one must see and feel you have to at time fight you way a few shows but it's worth the time if you watch any soap opra then this one is no diffrent. it just in a toon form and there are main soap opras in toon form like Spawn and ghost in the shell find and watch all and forget that they are toons they are just as good if not better then One life to live or gray's anotomy..
Enjoy a good Toon show and movie every now and then and I'll be back again on this later

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Womens purse

The Black Hole..
The blackhole that is the womens purse I have stuck my arm up to me elbow into a womans purse and found nothing and found nothing, I have turned one up side down and nothing fell out, then a women can reach in and pull out a bowling ball. it's scary what these thing can hold complete graden tools and hacksaws, hand guns submichain guns all in a little purse no more then three feet but one foot. They are crazy little things thats the power of the purse and guy's can not know what to think or even know how they work because it's a spechail black hole that only they know and have the power over. the biger the bag the more it can hole and the scarier they are. if you where a guy think of pulling a full size rack out of your back pocket or a couple of hand grandes you know something that you would normale carry in a backpack when you go camping just in a much smaller thing. if the powwer of the black hole purse think of what the CIA or Mility could do with it the great fun we could have with it and the dangous it could hold.
The Dangous..
A womans purse is can be dangous not just what they can pull out of it but what they might put in it a little kid for kidnapping. which is the fear of every person in the world but in molst cases when a kid is taken it a guy that does it and he get's cought, when a woman does it she picks the kid up put them in her purse and walks away and no one knows any diffrent so they are not cought or as fast as a guy does. if a woman kills someone chop them up put the peices in the purse and throw the purse away takes forever to find the body we haven't found Jimmy Hoft yet have we, because he was killed by a woman and stuffed in a purse and buried in concert slab and thrown in the lake we may never know where he is..
Not ture..
For couse none of that is really ture could be but it's not The womans purse still scares me butas to being able to pull a rack out no a hack saw yeah I have seen that along with a tape measure, but those a small items that could really fit into one. just be aware you never know what you might find or see in a womans purse..

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Harry Potter part 1

many to come..
J.K. Rowling for the most point gave us a seirs of books that changed the reading ablilities of the youth of the world. Yes I said the world. She gave us a some good books and she have us some bad books, and in this seirs of rants I'll run on about each book and the lady herself for the books she gave us and what they didn't do for reading to the lady who started the books in a small flat that she would not like to see again to the big house she now has and wanting to forget her past which I always find very wrong. A person should never forget where they came from or how they are. I have seen that way to many times, but there is no dout what Rowlings has done for reading with this seris of books and reading. So I thought why not rant about each one of the books and what a better place to start then the first Socer's stone..
Book One Socerers Stone..
The beginning of the start year on and the boy is ten years when he head out to to a boarding school to learn an be a wizard, but should he have been eleven years instead of then, but that's doesn't really come into play untill later in the last year here is year one. and first we start off the boy being drop of at his ants and uncles house at the age of 1 after his parents have just been killed no more then a day ago. you first think that it's only about and hour or two but in the end it's a full day before he get's drop off. (Oh Note the Socerer's stone is the US Title and the wording in the book has been changed to US english so if you can get a UK versoin and read it) then we jump a full nine years once again we believe that it is ten years but it is only nine.. nothing that J.K. misleads you to it's just the way the book read but it's all there then you get the Now I don't want to recap the whole book because well that would just take way to long even for one of the shortest books of the seris, but it's a nice and easy read light a fuffly for aten year old to read, and with audiobook you can even have the book read to you as you have it in front of you and Jim Dale does a good job in the end we get and idea of things that happened but nothing is really revieled J.K. does a good job of this throught the hole story line.. There really isn't much to go on about this first book excapte for the U.S. changes the title and some of the languge of the book it's and nice story..
What to say here. No movie is the book and the book i n most cases is always the better of the two. There is always more information in a book then in a movie and things and people are combined when you make a book into a movie Here the first movie cut's a lot at the beginning and jumps from on place to another and the story get's lost at a few point. near the end of this movie Harry and his friend go through these task set up and they leave out one that was just a walk through and they could have done it just because it would have been less then ten seconds on the screen and with movies getting longer again this would not have hurt the film to have in and i was looking forward to it. I movie is not a really good translation of the movie and I'll say that about all 8 of the films I have rarly seen a book turned into a movie that is the same as the book they always have to cut something and in this case it's one of the task and almost all of the quitach matches and the end of the book when harry get's home in some case you would like some of these to be really big bugets T.V. movies or even seris where they do the book from beginning to end but the coast would be so high that not even something like HBO or SHOW would not take and idea like this on. make a book word for word seen for seen no matter how slow the show got. and I think this is something I would like to see with thse book and the unforent event books as well because the first and only movie for the unforent events movies was a big dud. Here with Potter the first movie works and could of been longer to hold a little more of the story and kid would of sat through it most of the kids in the theater with me who started at 4 and ended at 65 sat through the entire thing and would have sat through another hour if it was there so it could have been longer and we all wanted to see more of the quitach out of the three matchs is the book we only see one in the movie, but once again a movie is not a book and no one should read a book in there head when you go to see a movie, I'm not sure if you should ever read a book before going to see a movie see the movie then read the book that why you are no disapointed in the movie. so enjoy both..they are fun

Tiger woods

Two word really....
WHO CARES!!!!!!!!
Get your butt back on the couse and we will not give a fling fig about what you do in your personal life. Hunders of people everyday get cought cheating and shoot in some case now they say tiger is addicted to sex and you point is what is mistake was getting married that makes it wrong yes but who give a damn like every other person that has a little fame to them i don't give a rat butt what they do with there private lives because that is just it it's there private life and if thet get caught the it's there family that has to deal with it not the rest of us. in tigers case i don't give a rats no a dead rats butt about it, get your butt back on the couse and play golf and then go find a woman to have sex with, Do we really care what these people do in there private livies isn't that what a private life is somewhere they go to be alone and do things that no one else see's or talks about...
Public life and rollmoldes...
I know it's the roll modle and they don't have aprivate life because they are a public figurer.., NOTT, the roll modle part of this man is to show how people to play golf and to see that no matter who you are you can do a great things his life in publiuc should end when he leave the golf club. there is nothing more we need to know about these people there job as little as it is is to show us what they can do in a public life the mintue they leave what ever office it is we should n't care what we do. it's this part of the world that destories people and changes what we think of them there private lives are there own and we have no need to but into it. if I wa to put up a rack in my backyard and use it to rip things apaprt because i thinnk it's funny it's my right to do it. I would never do a living thing but babie and g.i. joes hey why not, same goes here if tiger woods wants to go out after a golf game that he just won and have sex if fifteen woman then so be it we should not give a care as to what a persons personal life is just that these and we shouldn't inturded on that. We have become so obseted with knowing everything about everyone that shows there face in the light of T.V. guess what we don'tneed to know.
Leave them alone...
durningthe fights of mercry and gemni one of the astrontes built a house for his wife there where no windows on the front of the house, when asked why the house had no windows he said "Because I don't want the press to look in." It was a great thing to say leave us alone.These people have private lives out side there jobs alone. if a person has an afair then there is there families problemnot ours If they can do the job great that is what is most inporten to us if they can do the job ans how well they do the job no more no less. If they are bad at there job throw them out fire them they shouldn't be there, but if they are good at there job Cool then let them do it that is what is importen...

Friday, February 19, 2010

nothing really

Nothing really...
I really don't have anything for you today. I have been running around spending money I really don't have and preping my House for the Empire today guy to show up tomorrow. I don't know whaht to really say but when you drive around in a car all day and I know people do have joib where they drive all day it get's kind of tiring and when you start to driving to pay bill and your line for the day is "I think I own you money.." is Kind of sad. You start writing checks and heading to the next place.. Lucky for me there is a coffee place on my way from point A to point F in this case. It's not that fun but when you have your car thumping along with both versions of we are the world next to Nickleback and Creed it's kind of intrsting to see peoples looks when you can..

The weekend..
The weekend is here yes but what does that mean to me Nothing but late nights and cleaning till all hour while folding landry in the living room lucky for me I was able to get both Final Destination 3-D or 4 if you want and the first season of the Fringe for 10buck apaice so I got a few things to watch late at night to help keep me awake. I also have the Gamer and something else coming from netflix, by the way the Blu-ray still isn't working for netflix. it's very sad but then again I have a computer connected to it so it's not all that bad, I hoping to watcha jeff tonight but not sure I'll make it all the running around and spending money I don't have got me kind of down.

Coustmer service...
I was in Best buy to buy Final Destination 4 today and I must have been walkin around for at least 15 to 20 mintues and I got no one to ask me if I wanted help I was looking for a few other things along with the fringe but there was no one in the department and it was very evedent that I was looking for something, Finally someone from the T.V. department asked me if I need help and I say yeah it took them a few minutes but we found it on a box stand in the front of the store. I picked it up and head to the back of the store through the apllices to look at a 2gig hard drive for my main frame, but I didn't get past the applince with out getting hit twice and I was a little intrested in the a Gas stove, but I did ask the guiy if he could put in my floor he said no of couse, but I had to give it a shot, but it's sad that for 20mintues I couldn't get help and once I had what I wanted and was in a diffrent part of the store I got help right of the batt. I never did make it back to look at the 2gig hard drive but that just means resting my I-tunes again which really isn't that bad to do.

good night and good luck HeeHee

Thursday, February 18, 2010

We are the World 25 again

Here we go again...
You know It's been a few days and I have listened to the song a few more times adn I find myself turning it up as it goes along. Kind of like then I listen to the rythem of my heart by Rod Stewart or a few other song I know that sound better as you turn them up as you listen to them. I find myself doing that to We are the world 25 and by the time it gets to the rap part I find that the stero in my car has made it way past the halfway point and the car is thumping along. Works for me. I just wish that they had not put in the none english part into it. The one guy sounds like he's got a frog or bubble in his mouth. it doesn't sound go and that stupied harmonic thing that changes the voice I'm still working throught that, I might be wrong that it's T-pain but none the less it still taking time, but once it's thumping I don't really hear it...

Back to Back..
listen to them back to back if you can. You'll hear the diffrence in the two song and then you think yeah they are two diffrent songs for two diffrent time. It intresting to see who replaced who when you think of who is now sing brace and who is singing bob it's intresting to hear. when you play the songs back to back you can really hear that it and you can really note that they are two diffrent songs, yes it's We are the world but it's time for a new class of people to sing it. The Jamie Fox Inpersation of Ray Charles is great and you do hear it. at times when I hear the new song I try and hear the old singers so it's getting hard to change it, but listing them back to back helps me to seperate the two songs. it's is fun to do it that way in the end remember they are two songs 25years apart done by two diffrent groups of people for two very diffrent reasons..

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

American Idol Why?

Is it worth it...
First thing right out the door I have never watched this show. I have seen the end of a few season just because I was working in a Photo department and needed to know who had won so I have seen the last show of the season, but is it worth it. does this show give us the truth of things, it's an other reality show that a comations that in the end gives you a music contract and in for some just getting to the final ten so the can go on the tour is all thay are looking for. Sometimes you get good singers out of it and they make a good job out of it and sometime you get people that you got no idea what they where thinking. From the begining the show looked stupied to me and to this day I think it still is.
Where are most of the winners today I can only think of two that I know that have gone somewhere and those ofcousre are Kelly clarkson and Carrie Underwood, I thinnk Bo Bice got hosed he should have won but country is where the music is at the moment look at Swift, Anyway but where are the rest of the winnes, what the Old guy tylor got thrown off the lable for some reason and then yo have anastisa I think was another one I can't tell you any of the other winners, so is there a point to the show if the winners can't last as long as they should do the job and make a living out of it like most of them wanted to or do they just lose it when they see how much work it is..
others people...
I have see more out of other people from the show in making living on anything but singing, you got people that go into moves and T.V. to a few going on to broadway and doing shows there is American Idol just a singing show does it do what it should or are people just tring to use it as a way to break into another indestry out there. Is it right because that it's a show to find the next singer to show to america. What is the ture meaning of the show. is it even worth watching anymore.. But then I started off by saying I don't watch it and I don't plain on watching it even with the change in music I don't listen to the radio I get the transformation either by friend or just picking things up from I-tunes and yeah the Awards show like the grammy's so I'm starting to pick up on P!nk..

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The States

The history Channel....
So the history channel ran this seris of show a few years a go called the states. it's a run down of all 50 states in the U.S. it's abotu a 7mintue blip on each on and give it population and where it stand in the U.S. along with the number in which it is and when it entered the U.S. as a state it also give a quick history of the state and what it main production is and what the people are like, now I know you can't really cover what whole state is like in just 7mintues but it's intresting to see what they do with it I'm less the half way through the seris but I have see some shorting of the facts for this show a little twist to the true facts to make the state look good. they do a lot in just a few mintues and you can learn a little bit and a few things that you don't know some of the people they talk too is intreting and fun. you can see how some states get forgotten.
If something fun and educational..
I was not much one for history in school or at the very least what they where teaching then again My high school history teach was not really a teach more then a place for students to gather and talk for an hour while the teacher sit's behind his desk and say's read this chapter and answer the questions at the end of the chapter, so I went to the library alot and read what I throught was intresting and fun needless to say I learned what I wanted to on history and what I was intrested in combinded with doing reseach on thing that I was into at the time which just say made me stranger in school then I already was.. anyway back to the states and the enduction in which you can get out of a program for you. the U.S. in an intresting place and has a lot of fun thing to go see in each state and some city's parts of the country you can do everything in one day from skiing to cooking in the forest to having a bond fire at the beach to end the day. The festavil that some states or city's have are really intresting most do at least one a month you they always got something going. That is what small town is al about. I was thinking about moving to a small town one day but I just can't get into alaska where I would like go get up and jump on the snow mobile and head to work or hitch up the dogs and head into town for a gallon of milk. I like the snow and would enjoy living in, beside the darkness would be great for my eye's I have a very rare eye condition that the sun burns out the iris so I'm for every buying and wearing sunglass..
Enjoy the Country...
I say take a road trip and enjoy the states see what is out ther and find out what the people and the heart of the country really are get out of the big city and go see the town that is going to be on fire for the next 250 years...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Nickelback & Reba on tour together

Coming soon....
Just anounced today Reba McEniter will play with Nickelback at the McK Dome in Washington. The tickets go on sale later this week. The line up as to who will go on first is still in the works but the consecrt is signed and ready to go.. but there is talk that Yanni might open for them

The Consert for everyone...
Here's a little something for everyone, music and music. Something that everyone can go to. The Country seen has changed in a way much like the way Rock N' Roll has changed. You no longer have just your good old conrty music anymore and I know that country arties will not say anything about it but look at it. You have more rock in your country then you have country in you country so why not have a good consert that everyone can go to and for this house you got one here. Rock N Roll with Rock Country why not excape the fact the music company would never go for it because they don't want there people to be seen with the other unless it was at a rewards show and then keep then at more then a table leangth or on the other side of the idle.
For me it works...
I have an I-tunes file that is over 100gig's of music will all kinds of music I do put my Nickelback and Reba together on a play list the music works if you find the right song and today there is not much diffrenance between to the two. No I have not add Yanni into the mix, But rob Zombi on the other hand get's together with tobey Keith every now and then plus Ozzy, Brad and Phil Collins get together more times then I know the music works together. I have beening putting together mix's of music that you might not think that goes together for years and as starnge as it might sound the songs I put together work in more why's then one. So with the birth of Rock Country we can now put two bands together that you would thing have no place to be together and to me this is one of the first.. Hell if my parents can go to a Trans-Siberian Orchestra consert and stay for the sabatosh part then you know something like this is more then posable, but then again my dad bought and listed to the first Body Count CD's with the song Cop Killer on it, whitch is a good song by the way.
Mix your music..
I say mix your music but I hope you can tell the diffence between your singers not just in looks, If you put Carrie Underwood and Tylor Swift with Lee Ann Rines, I almost sure I couldn't tell which is which, but if you put Creed and Nickelback together I know I could tell who was who. I know i could tell the singing typies apart for Creed and Nickelback but between Carrie and Tylor I don't know if I could I might mix them in with with everything I have on my Pod but sometimes I don't know which singer I'm listing to. I think the lines between what is what are almost gone it's just the fans that will work or forgive you.
Fans of music...
Music Fans in each area are diffrent country fans can't forgive you for nothing you make one wrong mistake your don't Rock N' Roll fan are forgiving to a point you just can't make to big of a screw up and then your RnB/Rap Fans will forgive you for everything because everything is forgivable no mater what now who are the betteer fans, not music but fans because as much as I don't care for RnB/Rap I think they got great Fan because they do forgive almost everything even when some of them are the greatest people in the world, where Counrty fans Nice people will not give you forgiveness for anything so I guess Rock N' Roll Fans are a good mix you got to like us.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


What's the point..
is it sad to say I don't like this day, I mean it's not a really holloday and I never get anywhere on top of it. this is just a day where candy and card are exchanged witha little bit of nuggy for the lucky ones. I guess I'm the sad case to this day. It's been years sence I could really enjoy this day. but over the past few years a it's gotten better my mind doesn't freak out anymore or at least a much as it use to. V-Day is something that I don't under stand and I guess I should look into but when you have more bad things then I care to try and remember but then I guess forget is all part of the healing part of the day to move forward with someone beside us to make all that go away I guess that is the point to have someone in our live to keep us from going over the edge that we know we are standing on at one point you just feel a hand inside your and pull you back from the edge of insanity to a nomale life. V-day is to say thank you to that person and that's what it's all for, but do you really have to spend 100bucks on them to show how much they mean to you...
That person..
The person that saves you is the peerson you have always been looking for and you should never let them go don't be stupied and lose them remember what they have done for you all the time they are the person that stands by your side no matter what you do unless you are really stupied and they use you to save themself it's called svae each other because you are there, but in most cases the person that saves you is the one that was ment to be there for you they my not be you soul mate but then sometimes your soul mate is not the person for you. the person that save you from the edge is the person in this world that is for you.
The Soul Mate...
The soul mate is hard to find and sometimes is no more then just a freind that us see as just a brother or sister. The soul mate is not always the person you are to be with most of the time they are a friend they has and been with you though out time the one person that you could always talk to no mater what, a person that comes and goes in you live but you are never trully meet to be with. A soul mate is something that is more made up and come to you a a friend and if you go by the people who believe in the energy threoy of life could be more then one person in you life, but mostly in one person and that person is your best friend throught out that life and not the person you are ment to be with. The person you end up with the person that saves you from something even if you don't know what youu are being saved from... That is what V-day is about the person you are ment to be with and not you sould mate....
BUT in the end I still don't like V-day so I don't even call it by it's full name, I hope you can enjoy it

Saturday, February 13, 2010

We are the World 25

OK Let me Have it...
Ok this one I can take all kinds of stuff for this one and the song is only one day old.. We are are the world remake 25years later. It's going to take time to grow on me.
The Main Problem..
It's that the song is tied to the event's in haiti. Now I spook about Haiti eariler and that's got more later stop talking about not having a bathroom when the got out your door doesn't have a house.. Ok back to the song. When it was first writien and song it was a good genaric song that you could use for almost any fundraise you had to help people This version is tied very much to haiti and should die out in a few month or more because we will stop talking about it and the song will fade out unlike the orginal which has lated for year and will contuie to do so it's a great song and the remake sound more like a dance mix then a remake. It's going to take a bit of time and few more times to listen to it but if i'm right at looking a the choris picture there are still more black people then white which is fine just kind of funny in some sence, but thinkn about it writen by a couple of black guy's and song by a lot of black people with a few white guy's to make it look and sound colorful.and even give it's a bit of color when you see the choirs. It was a good song when it was first song and and the remake is ok, I just wish it was not tied down to the earthquick it's just doesn't make it for me.
The Rap part...
You know I can even live with this part of the song taken in it's part, it not that bad and they work it in really well it's just that it ties it to the earthquick way to much even with the mention of the orginal reason the song was made and the few other times that it was used to help people out around the world. The Rap part is a nice twist but once again and I thinnk this is the main thing about it it's ties it to haiti something you don't want to remember a few years from now let alone 5 or 10. but by then we might get a new versoin with over 160 people sign both new and old
The singers...
Now looking at the few photos I have seen of the signer for this one I can't name even half of them which is really said, but then there was a line up of 5 women for the cancer thing and I couldn't tell you who was who because they all looked a like and I knew all of them and at one time or another listed to there music so it's no supraise that I don't know a quarte of these singers I get Barbra, Jamie, Jenniffer and Jeff bridges, ll cool j pink and a few other out of 81 which is really sad for me and what's with this T-pain crap the guy can't sign so he uses this voice thing that just sssuuuuccccckkkkssssss and throws the thing off again, but thank god he doesn't sign long. It is intresting to see how got to sign who's part from the orgenial to the remake Celin as Cindy that was great and they you had Jamie Fox do a bit as Ray that was nice I do wish that they had left Jackson out I know they put it in as a tribute to him but I think it could have been redone by someone else the point here is to redo it in a new way by the next generation and Jackson just shouldn't be there he's kind of dead, but at that point to Barbra shouldn't be there either and she is if the song is to be done by the next genaration of singers ok so I'm lost on what I think about this I just might have to give it a day or to and come back..
The earthquick..
take it out and we are good even the part's that are not in english are ok but take out the part about the earthquck and you got a song that will last the ages just like the first.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Doctor who and Netflix

First a Personal Note..
First thing to note about this Blog is that is beening wrinten on my new wireless keyboard and mouse which is conected to my T.V. on the other sid eof the room. well I listen to my now very old Mini Disc player, something that I thought would have replaced the CD by now buy I believe sony messed that one up by holding the patten on it to lone, it's a great formate and the disc are so much more durable then any CD out there. In this case I can listen to my Hit's from whistle down the wind a mostly fail musical by Andwer loyde webber and the great Jim Stieman. I think it's got some great music to it and if might even see the relgious theme to it if you listen carefully, but sence it's on MD I have ot try and transfer it to my really old computer and burn it as a disc and then add it to my really large I-tune's file. Is it a mistake to have over 105 gig's of music, two hunder gig's of T..V. show and the better part of 110 gig's of movies all in one I-tunes file on three drive and needing to add another to keep up. Let's see that a 1tera a 500, and 200 and one one comeputer with another 350 sitting on the desk needing to be added and I was thinking of getting there a 1.5 or a 2 tera just for the fun of it. could it be to sad that when I hook a jump drive in it reads as a P Drive or for that mater the old MP# player comes up as both P and Q.
Ok On to the Doctor..
The Doctor on the BBC Show Doctor Who as been played by the first docoter William Hartnell, Pactrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Back, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul, McGann, Chistopher Eccleston, David Tennant and now the 11 Doctor Matt Smith. Now I have not really watch the show over the years, but to me the best Doctor was Tom Baker it was the scarfe that did it for me more then anything else I went as far as to try and make on for myself well I watched the show I never got it made but a few years ago my mom come up to see me and handed me a bag that had in it the 18 foot scafe that I was tring to make and boy is it warm when you where it and I wear it every chance I get it's great not as colorful as Tom Bakers was but I would think just as long and just as warm I understand he left the show on on good trems which is sad and does happen from time to time with show's look what they did to Blake at the end of season three of M*A*S*H the greatest show that has ever been on T.V. but back to the Doctor a show that has seen it's up and down's over the years The show would have appeared to take a break from 1986 to 1996 where it can back for a very short time and then finally returned in 2005 with Chistopher Eccleston as the new and 9th doctor for the show, I liked him he was funny and intresting to watch but he was around just for the first season before David Tennant took over..
Newer Doctors...
Ok So the Show starts up again with Christopher Eccleston at the New Doctor I like the dude and Figure I can get into the show again between both Vedio on demand by the cable company and DVR set programs I should beable to catch it all of, but things being as they are I lose trace of the show and DVR problem I lose all I have saved so I'm out but I do catch a enposide later in season two but it's not the doctor that I say Chistopher only lasted one season I was not happy, but then again I was not watching the show on a regualer bascie so I don't have much to complain about, if I was watching the show from the begaining and was staying with it I might have said something or just stopped watching it. I don't think David Tennant was bad and I just watch the one show because it was on before or after robin hood one day and nothing else was on. I figured I might give the show a second shot , so I netflix the last disc of the first season to see what happened to my Doc and I think it was stupied, but hey it's what they did of couse I didn't get back into the show there was to much to catch up on and I was tring to watch Battlestar at the time and there is another show I'll go on about leter but for now Let's just say it made me made they way they aired it and I had to force myself to keep with it, something that I couldn't do with this new Doctor Who, so I just let it crash off the grid for me, but it looks like it is a good show and now that I have this computer up and running O.K. for the most part on the T.V. I might go back and try and watch it though Netflix..
NetFlix on bluray and computer..
SO I have been a netflix costomer for a few years now and I enjoy it a day turn around most of the time I can go throught 4 to 6 movies a week depending on what I'm doing with it, for X-mas I got a blu-ray that has the Netflix streaming to it, have got it to work on a reguler bases just yet the router is not letting it go through most of the time. Now I got the computer hooked to the T.V. and the sound going through the stero system I pretty much don't need it in the living room but I like to have it because it just a littler easier to use from time to time when it does work, and with streaming viddeo that it does watching things like Doctor Who would be great because I wouldn't have the disc sitting right infront of me and I would have to watch all four shows at once before sending it backJust watch on show at a time and as it's there you don't have to worry to much about it, now of cousre not all of the season is on the streaming part of netflix but at least you can get most of it, The Streaming has been fun I was watch all three Juf Dunham spechail way to many time but when your down you just got to watch the second spark of insanity and listen to the part about the dog and you'll start laughing and thing will look a little up, just not the other day when I got up on the wrong side of the sofa, but then again I din't watch him that day to try and cher myself up and maybe I should have.
Future working in the house..
is it said to say I'm running two computer at the same time right now working facebook on one and writing this on the other, How much power is my house pulling right now. Welcome to the future everyone wireless keyboards and mouse a T.V. that is a computer monitor a stero that is you sound system for you computer and then a lap top working wirlessly next to me run another program just becaus eI can't stay out of touch with people. Wait no one really talks to me or at the every least let's me talk when I have something to say Thus this Blogg of pointless rant's here I con't have to care what you say or even think Here I get the last word and say what I want when I want and how I want and I don't have to try and butt in on anyone talking or have someone talk over me like the other night, but that's just how it goes sometimes you just can't get a word in no matter how hard you try, so got two computer running, here a lot of hard drive on a third is that just nut's or is it just me..

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Survivior 20

IT begins one more time..
Ok yes I watch survivor I have watched it for every season that it has been on and it now starts it 20th season not year season. That means they have run the show for 20 time and is been on for about ten years. Survivor is not going to be topic of mine in the future not as much as movies and other thing like jackson.. HE DEAD get over it. I have like the show from the begining it's fun to watch try to prodict how goes first and which team will win just by the first ten mintues of the show other then that there isn't much to go on about. There is nothing to the show but fun and you can't take it more then that. It's not all that real even if it's called reality T.V. because the people you see on the show are not the people they always are, you should never take it to much to heart it's a show and a game done by editors you never see it all because they have over 72hour of footage cut down into one hour and you don't ever get to see the breast that pop out..

Real T.V.
No show is real T.V it's all in the hands of the editor the olny time you see true reality T.V. Is on big brother after dark and then you are still at the hands of an editor but it's the closet thing your going to get tell an show like either the truman show or ED T.V. a persons life on t.v. for 24hour a day no editing not ceneror ship something to look forward to in the near future..

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

end day

This is the end..
It's been on of those day when nothing goes right, just because you got up out of bed in a bad mood or you got up you where fine but the you took a nap and when you got up from that the rest of the day was down hill no matter what you tried to do. Welcome to how my day went.
I got up this morning feeling pretty good did a little running around came home made a pot of coffe turned on the tube and fell back asleep on the sofa. work up a few hours later and the rest of the day was hell. nothing I did would work out and I was in a bad mood, being around me just was not a good Idea and I have no idea why. Lack of food slept wrong when I took the nap. what ever it was I just wasn't the person you wanted to be around today and it was a Nice day outside. a good lite rain so you did want to be inside watch T.V. witha warm cup of coffee or hot coco but nothing wrong with that. The night is almost over and I'll be heading to bed soon to try and sleep the mood off and start the day anew.
Why did it suck..
You know I wish I could come up with why day's like today happen that way I could explain myself later to people then just saying I got up on the wrong side of the bed because for the most part I didn't it was the Nap that did me, Now lack of food could have had a little to do with that but even after I had lunch and dinner for that matter I was not the person to hang around I could go off about anything at at time and I still say JACKSON DEAD let him be and GET OVER IT. so food can't be the answer to that even the headach can't work I took a couple of asprin and that went away, but the bad mood stayed it's got to be the nap some how it just makes the whole day suck and I hate when that happens because on most day's I got a lot to do with people and what not.
Customer Service...
You know I had to cal a Customer Service hotline tonight and be beiing in a bad mood I was not in the a mood for any run around or please stay stuff, but really it was the first one of two calls I had to make tonight. The First one I had to tell the lady with the really heavy accent what I needed done or I was going to cancel what I was calling for and do something else it was just that cut and dry I didn't want to be sold anything I called to get this one thing taken care of and that was it. in the end I got what I need done, but like I said I had to tell the lady what I wanted or that was it I was done with the company and I had been with them for more then 15years so she wanted to keep me..
The Second was it oout a dout one of the most best calls I have had in a long time the lady help me out with more things that I needed it was great she helped me fix a lot of problem I had been having with this other company for a bit now. She was so nice and helpful and I told her as much that I should have said something to someone higher up. It did make me fell just a little better knowing that there was someone out there that one spook english when you called Customer Service and that could help with all the problems you had even if you where calling about something complety diffrent. Even if it was a really bad day there was at least one smile to the end of it
Hope you enjoyed yours, because mine sucked, but had a smile in the end

Michael Jackson

Not much to this one.
You know I saw something on the news again about jackson I just really only got one thing to really say about this one
He is dead get over it..
That's it enjoy the rest of the day..

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More Boy Scout's

The Scout's make it everywhere..
You know before we really had T.V. and 4000 chanles to watch we had go old family time and the Boy scout's was the time when a father and son could get together and the Girl scouts is when a mother and daughter got together and the summer camps are when the boy's and girls got together because the parent where not around and they could swin acroos the lake.
In today's world we have lost alot of that, but back in the day even Disney know knew that the boy sout's of america was something to make a movie about. set in 1930 the Follow me boys is based on the book God and my country. Oh here we go again an other movie that is based on something so there is no tell how much of the book is in the movie and kknowing disney that isn't all that much, non the less it's still a good movie and if you ever what to see a very young Kurt Russell they you got to see this movie.
Nothing like Kids...
You always got to give it to the kids. you always see the movie the mysifts turn to the better well this is the better becoming better and you know that boy scouts is the best place to start if you got a group of misplaced kids, I say make sure get they get into a good group, Boys/girls club the boy and girl scouts this could do no real harm and it just make a better person out of the child. Kids are good people they are not by any means inocent by with help they could do great good,
I love kids just as much as the next person but sometimes they do go bad and that is what the Boy and girls scout are trying to stop.
The jailed on death row..
Send them to war. There isn't much more then that. They have killed before put them in a hard core uniform and send them in a war zone. why not if they are going to defect why not run out. There in the middle of a desert and let them go. in the war they could only do good and would be a little better off. AT least they could go out when they wanted to and if they get killed ok they where on death row anyway so long and far well. The filp side of the coin is that they could excape and go join the other side then we just find and kill them any just with a more just reason to do so. Look I'm all for killing them right here at home, but the law just takes a little to long to take out the really guilty one so let someone else do it send them halfway around the world to haelp protech this country. if they have have any sence of duty and honor for this country that we all live in they would be more then happy to go somewhere and protect it from those who wish to destory it. If they don't have that honor then we should just put them down right there and then they have no right to be in this country.
(a little personal fact: I am not a U.S. Citizen, but I'll sure as hell do everything to keep her save)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Nick Fury

Name: Nicholas Joseph Fury
Height: 6'
Weight: 225lbs.
Group Affiliation: S.H.I.E.L.D. (both versions)
First Apperance: Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos #1
May 1963
Died: Double Edge The Death of...
Killed by: Frank Castle aka: The Punisher
October 1995
in 1990 his win percentage was 81%

Born with two eye's. He lost one eye reason why keep changing but in 1991 do to a back flash from gun fire in face will in a fight.

Nick Fury is an old warhorse left over from world war II.

Nick Once Said "I ain't mcuh few Chains of command pal-- I'm just a soldier that gets results!

MY Friend..
Now I have not been in to comics for many years now, but when I was Nick Fury was a great friend to me He was an old warhorse left over from world war II. He was an old man who knew what needed to be one and did it. He hated Paper work and ran S.H.I.E.L.D. for many years before he himself had to destory it. It was later reopened under him as the top dog and that is where the buck stopped. It was him and no one else he answer to no one other then the Pres. He was the Head of the best spy network in the world today and would return to become the head of the network when it was need again. He was a great friend.

Long Life...
Like Captain America, Nick was injected with a spechal Formula know as the infinity formula. This was put on him by the U.S. goverment he didn't ask for it. it came with a lot of medical operations. Unlike the super soldier formula Nick must take the infinity formula once a year to maintain his youth and vigor. He is the one of be best super spies in the world even better then James Bond, but then again there way of doing things are very diffrent.

The future..
Nick is now being up dated for the Iron Man 2 movie. After His Update in the Cartoon Movies The Avengers. The life action is ok. The only prob I have with this is that they are taking an old world war II warhorse and I hate to say it just because of the why it sounds, but they have made him black. Which in my opion changes the person he is. He's not going to be the OLD mean Fart that he is. WHen you say the name Nick Fury I see the white guy with one eye, black flat top with white side and a good stoggy sticking out of his mouth. Now I do see the need for update and David Hassalhoffe wasn't it but to change him completely into Samual L. Jackson I don't know about that I'll just have to wait and see. Like I said he's an old fart that just dosn't give up.

Looked into it..
As you can see it looked into Nick just a little so I have a great idea of how he was and what he did. Like I said he was a friend of mine and when I learned he had died I was sad but hey everyone got to go sometime, but they wya this isn't the first time . In Issuse #7 of what if.. Nick died and Wolverine becaome the head of SH.I.E.L.D Which was and intresting turn of events. To me there is nothing like and old fart that can save the world and Nick has done it more times then we can even think of...

Be Back on this one...
Like many topic's I'll be back to this one this one sooner then most, because it's Nick and I got more on on this one He was a great guy for an old fart..

The View

The View or The 5 bitchy ladies...
Just a little something that I yes watch every now and then but I like to call them the 5 bitchy ladies because that's what they do more then anything else on the show is bitch about one thing or another. 5 women sitting around a table talking about thing that they do little but some resreach into so you can't sy much about that now can you. over the years the five bitchy ladies have brought up some good point and some bad points they have know what they ahve been talking about and they have been waay off the the mark..
NOT what it was...
Over the years the view has changed. it is no longer the show it started out to be the youngh peoople no longer have a voice on the panal or even in the show. the working mother no longer has a good voice on the show,, but anything is better then when Rosie was on the show I coouldn't watch it. I can not sand the lady she has turned her back on all she ever was and would like nothing more then to forget the whole thing from here time as the host of VH-1's stand up to the movie another stake out, but thank god she is going and her talk show is off the air. Rosie is not what she was when she knew the people around her..
The show has changed over the years like all show's should but the core point of the show was and should be the diffrent points of VIEW from 5 diffrent age groups what is something you do not have today I thinnk it's time to get an woman in her earily twenies on the show to give the young people view we they even have one. you got everythign else now it time for the young to stand up and have a say. the only problem with this is that the young view is changing and you are going to need to change that person every couple of years which they did, it's now time for that change again. The show need new life and blood..
Not the last time...
This is just the first tiem I have really talked about the Five bitchy ladies and trust me it will not be. they bug me more then anything ever and with the sad fact I catch the show at the gym because that is where the bikes are and I have no choice but to watch it I will be back to take about them again and a again

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Star Wars

The Greateast Movie ever made...
Star wars: A New Hope is the greatest Movie ever next to the greatest Movie ever made Casablanca. Sorry everyone there is no movie better then that. Star Wars makes it a good race but you can get any better then Casablanca, In the Sci Fi areana Star Wars is your winner no mater what movie comes out after it. You can Take your Avatar and stick it up your (yeah ok let's go with this ) Stick it up your ass.
Avatar VS Star Wars..
No let's get this staright right of the batt I still have not seen this great movie that everyone calls Avatar but I'm sorry you can not get any better the Star Wars you have the best know Bad guy in the history of movies and a classic story that no one can touch ever. It wouldn only be a cheat remake of the best. Avatar is just a movie with a lot of good F/X in it and that doesn't make a good movie. So you can take your Avatar and stick it up your ass because I can watch Star Wars over and over again in one day and never get tired it.
Six Films..
George took three film to tell his first story and made movie history and was plaining to make the other three to me he didn't have because we had alot of answers in the end we didn't need to know the front story that in truth it rasied a few more questions and disappointed in other areas it took away for some of the mystory of things we wanted to just keep thinking about and never know the ture answers to but it's what he wants to and what he wants to show to the people of the world He took six Films to tell a story which is his story now you got the books
The Books of Star Wars..
The Books of Star Wars have really exploted over the years and are one story moving forward there are no one story books, they all follow a main story line which is kind of sad yoou would of had to read the first book to know what has happened in the second. Not really something I'm into and the face they keep moving the time line aroudn after Return is something else. The First book to bring the star wars universe back into the world as we know it Heir To the Empire was to take place 5 years after Return of the Jedi Now it's out to almost 7 or eight that keeps moving things around which sucks because that what I know and then the Comic book Dark Empire which in it has the return of one of the best people in the star wars universe Boba Fett the shook that we see on Hans face when Fett shows up is nothing short of what the.. For Six years fett keep himself well hiden from Han which is what he is good at the person in the shadow who can take care of bussness then he needs to the best of the best.. I hope they get the time line fixed and back to where I knwo it and we can have a few books that can just stand alone with the people we know. They did shadow's of the empire which was great and right between Empire and return would make a good film, but that would be another matter. There are more Star wars books out there that Star Trek is running for the hills and star wars books are very hard to find in any used book story wherer the have rows and rows if not a whole wall of star trek books . Just goes to show you people want to keep there star wars books sounds good to me.
The Future of Star wars...
no one knows the future of star wars then but george himself and we all hope that he does the right thing, because he himself has said I hold the right to say none of this is ture and destory all we know which is what I like about it he neve gave up the rights to the movie name add anything else that could have and will make money for the guy. Now his is a Movie maker, but does anyone know what he himself has done of late. I know he is a bussy man with everything that is going on at skywalker sound and ranch and milirty base, but he has got to be working on something personal himself that what makes Radioland Murders so good he had something to do with it... Have fun enjoy and Avatar can kiss my ASS